Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Sunday

I'm wanting to write so much, but I feel like I don't write enough. My spring quarter starts on monday. It was good to have a week off. I've talked a little  bit with my sister about the 5 characters of hers that she gave me. I'm going to try to write a little bit of their story for her as her birthday gift as well as a drawing of her characters dressed as some of her favorite fandoms. I know I'm going to include Aladdin, Danny Phantom, and Sailor Moon. I have a week to work on it. Her birthday is the 13th. I'm excited for no reason only then I'm her sister. She's excited for mine next month because I'll be 21 this year. I'm a bit nervous about getting drunk and having a bomb fire in her yard.
In other news, my friend that I'm working on the LGBTQQIAAP series is moving back to my state! I'm waiting for her to get situated back into her home before I go hang out with her.
Hope ya'll enjoy this dribble.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Also here is a list of stories I'm working on:
LGBTQQIAAP series - 3 books for this series on the table so far
Ghost of the Toilet - still need to finish it
I Don't Want To Go To The Ball - Fanfic (Sonic Hedgehog)
Sonic Underground rewrite - Fanfic (Sonic Hedgehog)
Return of the Shitennou - Fanfic (Sailor Moon)
Fehler - 1st draft done, in need of editing
Mockery series - I have 2 books in the series started
Myphelo - being completely rewritten in order to fit my sister's chara in. Complicated stuffs.
Several more just floating around on my hard drive that I've forgotten about or want to keep a secret.

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