Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Antique Mirror Ch2

Antique Mirror
Chapter 2:
April stretched as she rolled out of bed. She had taken a good long nap. She pulled the sleeves of her panda pajamas out as she walked down the hall. She found Angel in the study. It wasn’t really a study. It was just the room where they put all their books.
Angel was curled up on the window bench. The book in her hand was slipping out as her gripped loosened. April shook her head at the sight. Her notebook was lying on the floor already. The last sentence stopped mid-sentence. Angel was fast asleep.
April turned to the closet to grab a blanket for her little sister. She stopped as she saw her reflection. It was an old antique mirror. They had gotten it for decoration. It was large and beautiful, the frame covered in intricate carving. It was a gift their parents had gotten to celebrate moving into a new home. It was a shame that they died before it had arrived. April ran her hand on the smooth glass. It was such a pretty mirror, but at the same time it was haunting. Sometimes April imagined that ghosts haunted it.
A flicker of curving light in the mirror made her blink.
“I must be imagining things.” April thought to herself.
But the flicker was still there and it was growing. It was becoming a steady flame.
April rubbed her eyes, but the flickering flame was still there. She leaned closer to it. Her reflection was laid over top of it, but the flame was still there. Then it burst forth as if someone had held a can of hair spray behind it.
April yelled as she fell back onto the floor. Angel stirred in her sleep. She screamed at the sight before her.
It looked like molten glass. Yellows, oranges, reds, silvers, blues, and greys were swirling inside. Then the long bubbly substance began to form. It slowly spread out its arms and flexed its fingers, drops of glass spraying off with each movement. It brushed its hands against the top of itself and a feminine human face took shape with long hair. Dragon wings protruded from its back, flapping to keep its forming body a float. It looked just like April in appearance.
Once it had taken shape, it tried to fly around. It let out a shrill cry that sounded like glass breaking when it met resistance. It looked back and saw its les were still connected to the mirror that birthed it. It pulled on its legs, flapping its wings hard. Its feet popped freed and it rolled back.
It landed on Angel. Angel stared at it in shook as her breathing stopped. It stared back at her in confusion. She rolled off the couch and out the open window. She looked around the dark yard before looking back at the sisters. Then she shot up into the black night sky.
April crawled over to Angel. They held their hands as their breathing steadied. Then Angel found her voice.
“What kind of strange dream am I having?” She asked.

“I don’t know.” April answered. She was hoping this was a dream, but it felt far too real to be a dream to her.

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