Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Excerpt from a Shadow X Amy fanfic

This is a excerpt from I Don't Want To Go To The Ball chapter 5. I decided to change the story and take out this part, but I liked out it was written, so I'm sharing it with you guys.

“Bye Rouge.” Shadow turned the lock on the door before stepping out into the street. He looked up at the sky. It was evening. Almost dinner time. He ran to his apartment was there in seconds. He guess he should eat something before finding Rose. She was probably eating dinner by now anyway. Shadow looked through his kitchen. There wasn’t much. He had chicken he needed to cook though. He wondered how he should cook it as he went looking for the cook book he had borrowed from Amy several weeks ago. 
“Darn it!” Shadow shook his head. “I gave that book back to Rose 2 weeks ago.” He put the chicken in the fridge to thaw. He could just zip over and borrow it for a while. She wouldn’t mind. Shadow wrote a note on the notepad on his fridge before zipping out.
Buy a cook book.

Shadow arrived at Amy Rose’s house a few minutes later. It was a simple house with lots of flowers planted meticulously in the yard. Shadow knocked on the door and waited.
Jon opened the door. “Oh! Mister Shadow. We weren’t expecting you.” He walked on the porch and closed the door behind him. “What can I do you for, sir?”
“I wanted to ask Rose if I could borrow a cook book. Can I speak with her?”
Jon gave a nervous smile. “Well, huh… Now might not be a good time. But why don’t I go get that cook book for you?”
“Why can’t I speak to Rose?” Shadow crossed his arms.
Jon chattered his teeth as he thought. “Cousin, she, well, she got hurt today. Father is trying to make her take this old family tonic. She isn’t too happy about it.”
“How did Rose get hurt? Did Eggman attack?” Shadow clenched his fist. How could not have seen Eggman attacking? How could Eggman hurt Rose? Eggman did kidnap her often, but Eggman was always careful not to hurt his captives. Makes them more compliant, he guessed. Shadow began to glow a faint red.
Jon backed into a door. “Oh, ‘twas nothing liketh that. Cousin m’rely h’rself with a garden shovel. The cuteth isn’t too deep. The doct’r says she’ll be fine in three days timeth if she rests.”
Amy’s shrill scream cut through the air.
“Rose!” Shadow rushed into the house, passed Jon. He passed two other figures, but he didn’t slow down to make them out. He raced up the stairs and found Amy gagging in disgust as she stared into a coffee mug. “Rose are you okay?” Shadow was at her side in a second.
Amy looked up at Shadow confused. Then a broad smile spread across her face. “Hi Shadow! What’s up?”
Shadow brushed some of her pink quills out of her face. “You screamed. Are you hurt? What happened?”
“Oh…” Amy blushed. “That was because this tonic my cousin brought me taste horrible. Sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s okay Rose. As long as you’re okay.” Shadow’s thumb stroked her cheek. “Jon said you got hurt earlier. How did you cut yourself with a garden shovel?”

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