Thursday, October 12, 2017

Halloween party

Maureen felt nervous. She was wearing something she was sure would cause her ridicule. The loose flowy fabric felt fantastic on her skin and she was in love with the jingling jewelry. She took a deep breath as she spun around in her bedroom mirror.
The mirror was long and touched the floor. It had a dark wood frame with an elegant seashell designat the top.
A soft knock sounded at the door. "Are we going to the Halloween party or not?"
Maureen turned away from the mirror and opened the door. Before her stood Frankenstein. Or at least the one that appeared in the Munsters show. His charcoal suit was nicely pressed and his tie was adorn with black cats.
"You look very nice Dr. Bonner." Maureen complemented.
Dr. Bonner nodded as he stared at her. "Please change clothes. You can't go in that attire." He stated flatly.
"What's wrong we my costume?" Maureen questioned.
"I don't want to look like the guy from Lolita?" He answered with a shurg.
"Isn't lolita a fashion style of dressing up like a doll?" Maureen tilted her head. She was dressed as a belly dancer, not a doll.
"It is, but the name comes from the title of a book." Dr. Bonner sighed.
"What's it about?" Maureen asked full of inncoence.
"A guy who kidnaps his land lord's daughter so he can travel across the country having sex with her. Now please change clothes so people don't think I'm that guy," Dr. Bonner pled as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"But I spent forever on this," Maureen whined. "Plus, I'm covered," she gestured to the black shorts she wore under the outfit. "And I have a white shirt on underneath."
"That's all well and good, but I don't want to hear the jokes tonight." Dr. Bonner stated.
"No one is going to call you a pedophile," Maureen shook her head. "You're a very well respected doctor."
"I'm willing to bet five bucks someone will."
"I have no money to bet with," Maureen pouted. "But I bet you're wrong."
"What do I get if I'm right?" He mused.
Maureen thought for a long moment.  There wasn't much she could do. She had no money. A light bulb lit up above her head. "I won't complain or cry for the next round of tests I have to take."
"What? Not more then one?" Dr. Bonner tilted his head.
"It'll be too hard for me to not cry more the one time in a row." Maureen answered.
"You'll be surprised how quickly the tests will go if you're not crying." He teased.
"Are we going to test this bet?" Maureen smiled as she stepped out of her room.
Dr. Bonner sighed. "I got tricked. This is what I get."
"Come on," Maureen called as she reached the living room. Her cat sat up from his spot on the window frame to look at her. Maureen smiled as she petted him. "We're going to a Halloween party. We'll be back in about 2 hours."
Krissie: and this is as far as I got into writing this scene last night. I'll add more later.

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