Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30th Thoughts

July 30, 2015
I really don’t like rude people. I just can’t find a way to like them. It’s part of the reason I don’t like my cousin. She’s just so rude. She’s always popping off the mouth at everyone and her attitude is horrible. It’s just so difficult to like her. Frankly, I find it hard to care about her at all. I hate that she now lives in the house with me, but I understand, she has to stay somewhere. I just wish she would behave like a decent human being. She cusses everyone out; her mother, her dad (before he died), Nanny (our grandma), her sister (who had custody of her for about a year), and everyone who doesn’t agree with her or try to tell her things for her own good. The girl just doesn’t know how to act. Plus, all of her friends are super rude as well. I hate it when she brings them over. Nanny doesn’t like them either because they waste all the drinks. Nanny buys about 4 12 packs of soda every week because she and friends keep wasting drinks. They’ll open them, take a few sips and leave them on the table for hours and refused to finish them when they get warm. She also has a dog that she doesn’t watch! She leaves the dog her for her brother’s girlfriend to watch. It barks and growls at everyone and has been known to bite. The dog is also not house trained either. Which is a problem. We’ve already thrown the cat outside because it shat all over the house. I haven’t seen the cat in several days which tells me it’s either ran away or Nanny dropped it off somewhere else, which I don’t mind.

It’s just so annoying and frustrating. I frankly avoid her, but I fear the moment will come when she gets rude with me and I’ll tell her to get over herself, and it probably won’t be in the nicest way. 

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