There was blood on the floor. Specks of blood were on the wall. She could only hum. She sat in the corner humming. She picked at her nails, slowly removing the dried blood from underneath them.
Her cat eyes looked up at the sound by the door. She licked her lips in anticipation.
The door opened and before her stood Bronko. The light barely caught his orange and brown hair. His face was in shadows, so she couldn't see his normally bright turquoise eyes. But she recognized his silhouette anywhere. He was after all the only person that she knew beside herself that was part cat.
"What have you done Wanda?" He was curt with her.
Wanda smiled. "I got antsy." She down at her nails before looking up with a coy smile. "So I decided to relieve some stress." She stood up carefully. She couldn't see his expression. She couldn't tell if he was mad at her or not.
He sighed, placing his hands on his hips. There was nothing he could do about it now. He turned to leave, waving his hand for her to follow.
"Let's get out of here before the cops show up." He stated.
Wanda followed him closely. A smile on her face.
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