Cat 🐱 story
Xiong Mao glared out on the distance. The knife was secure in his shoe. A gun was tucked into his belt. He was more than ready for this.
The three men were walking down the street. They were large walls of muscles and probably carrying tons of drugs.
Xiong Mao didn't care about their work or their size. He only had one target. The one on the left. He was the fattest of the three men, but he was athletic and could hold his own in a fight. The white man was also covered in tattoos.
Xiong Mao smirked at seeing 'Butt Sex' in Chinese tattooed on his neck. Xiong Mao would be sure to leave that in tack.
He pulled the knife out of the sneaker. It made a click as he watched the three men walk into the alley. The moment they were within distance, he threw the knife and it cut into the target's arm.
The man yelled in pain as he was pulled down. A string on the knife was pulling him. The three men jumped to his aid. One pulling out the knife as the other pulled out a gun.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The man with the gun screamed.
Xiong Mao jumped down from his perch on the fire escape. "He is my target. Stand down and don't interfere."
Xiong Mao was thankful for the Japanese festival mask that covered his face. He didn't need to worry about them coming to get him in retaliation.
A few shots rang in the alley. Xiong Mao dodged them like an epic cartoon character. He hissed as he heard people in the nearby buildings scurrying. He was now short on time. The police would be here soon.
Xiong Mao hit the man who charged at him. He counted himself lucky as he was able to dislocate the man's arm with that hit. A quick swoop with his foot to the man's knees took him out. Now all he had to do was get passed big guy number 2.
Big Guy 2 was already charging at him. Xiong Mao held the mask to his face as he did a flip over the man. His landing twisted his ankle, but there was enough adrenaline rushing through him that he
KRISSIE: I wrote this a while ago and never finished it. Enjoy it. The charas might come back in the future.
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