Shadow the Hedgehog was confused. He stood in the kitchen of a nice comfy home. For a moment he thought he was dreaming. It seemed too good to be true. He had to be dreaming.
In the kitchen stood a white bat. Her hair was messy and she was dressed in pajamas and big slippers that had cat heads on them. She was currently making coffee.
"Morning there sleeping beauty." She smiled at him. "Did you sleep well last night?"
Shadow merely stared at her a moment. Who was she? He had no memory of her. Or this place. He nodded out of politeness.
"Well what do you want for breakfast?" She asked.
Shadow looked around the kitchen. Most of the cabinets were closed. He couldn't tell what she had. He was hungry though. He knew that much.
"Shadow?" She spoke softly. "You don't recognize anything right now, do you?"
"Shadow nodded.
She bit her lip. "I'm your friend, Rouge. We're roommates. We also work together as a team for the government. Don't worry about not remembering. It sometimes happens where you wake up. Give it a few minutes and your memory will be back in a jiffy." She patted his shoulder as she opened the cabinets. "We've got cereal, pop tarts, oatmeal," she closed the cabinet and turned to the fridge. "Eggs, waffles, yogurt, and hamburger meat," she turned back to Shadow. "Does any of that sound good to you?"
"I'll take the yogurt for now." Shadow stated as he looked around the place. How often did he wake up with no memories? He hoped it wasn't too often. He took a few bites of the yogurt and glared at it. "This is that stuff Rose buys. What is her obsession with blueberries? He grumbled, his memories kicking in.
Rouge could only laugh in response as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
KRISSIE: So this is based off a Tumblr post I saw months ago that really got to my heart.
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