Little Mermaid Sonic
As they were
walking down the hall, Rouge beamed down at Amy. “Now why don’t we get you
cleaned up?”
Amy nodded.
“It’s not like you to be so kind.” Shadow’s voice caught
Rouge by surprise.
“Shadow, what did I tell you about sneaking up on me like
that?” Rouge glared at the black and red hedgehog.
“It still doesn’t explain it,” Shadow stated with an
emotionless face. “You’re not normally so kind. What are you getting out of her
for taking care of her?”
“What makes you think I’m getting something out of this?”
Rouge shot back.
“Jewels are your preferred items, but you’ll take anything
valuable.” Shadow accused.
Rouge smiled, “You know me so well, but this is one time
when I’m not getting jewels out of it.”
“Hmph. I’m not
sure if I believe that.” Shadow grunted.
“Believe what you will.” Rouge stated as she pushed opened
some large doors. Shadow followed Rouge and Amy into the large dressing room.
“I fully intend to.” Shadow replied.
“Do you fully intend to watch Amy change dresses?” Rouge
glared at him. “I had no idea you were such a pervert.”
Shadow’s face turned red. “I have no intentions,” he stormed
out with that.
“Why can’t he stay?” Amy mouthed.
Rouge burst out laughing. “Amy it is improper for someone to
see someone of the opposite sex naked unless they are married.”
“Really? There is no such rule in the sea.” Amy mouthed. “But
then again, most of us don’t wear clothes in the sea.”
“Yes,” Rouge nodded with a smile. “Do you have any other
“What is a wedding?”
Rouge gulped. “A wedding is when a man and a woman, who
really love each other, come together with family and friends and say vows to
the lord that they will always be together as husband and wife. Do you have a
thing in your culture where two people get together and stay a couple until one
“Yes,” Amy nodded, “We only ever fall in love once. Very
rarely will we fall in love a second time.”
“I see.” Rouge nodded as she hugged Amy. “On land, we can
love as many times as we wish. But once we perform a wedding that is when we
vow to stay with that one person and love them the most for the rest of their
lives. Do you understand that?”
Amy nodded. The concept was simple enough.
“Do you understand that Sonic is going to marry Sally? That
woman you just met?” Rouge didn’t want to break Amy’s heart. But she didn’t
want Amy to walk around confused.
Amy felt a chocking sensation in her throat. She had feeling
when the word wedding was first said, but she didn’t want to think too much
about it then. She felt water on her face and tasted salt in her mouth. The
taste reminded her home. She touched her hands to her face and collected some
of the water in her palm. She had never experience tears before. She rubbed her
hands together out of habit as Rouge dressed her.
“A pearl!” Rouge gasped.
Amy glanced up at the bat who was staring at her lap. Amy
looked down and sure enough, there were pearls collecting at her feet. She had
been making them out of her tears and by rolling the water around her hands. “This
is not a normal thing?”
“No. No human can do such a feet.”
“Then some of my mermaid blood is still in me.” Amy sighed
as she collected the beads. “What should I do these?”
“Well, pearls here are a precious thing. We normally make
jewelry with them,” Rouge stated as she picked up one of the pearls. It was nearly
perfect. They were all varying colors. Pink, white, purple, some were even
Amy nodded. She remembered hearing of jewelry from Knuckles
before. “Please make it into jewelry then.”
“If that’s what you want,” Rouge nodded. She didn’t want to
upset the young girl anymore then she already had.
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