Sunday, July 13, 2014

Asylum or Sanctuary

Just a heads up, this one continues off of This One, But you don't have to read it to get the gist of it.

Prompt: Asylum or Sanctuary
Fehler looked over her shoulder curiously. “Where are we going?” She tightened her grip on her stuff toy as the strange people in dark clunky clothes pushed her along the road.
“We’re going to a sanctuary for you.” One of the men answered.
“Sanctuary?” She repeated curiously. “Was ist das?”
“It’s a safe place.” He assured her as he kept a hand on her shoulder, directing her down the hard path.
“But what about Vator?” Fehler pointed to the tall building. She had never left her home before. She just wanted to go back to the time before the loud popping sounds and the red paint. She wanted to go back home and be with her father. “And the others? They’re still sleeping in there. And there’s paint all over. We need to clean it. Otherwise, their boss is going to be really mad at them.”
The two men’s eyes widened as they stared at her. They then exchanged a confused glance over her. She stomped her feet into the ground and pouted. “I have to help father and the others.” She turned to walk back into the large compound, but was halted by a firm hand on her shoulder that turned her on a time.
“There’s no need.” The man stated. “Your father and everyone in there are getting… help. We have people in there who will take care of them.” He lifted her up with ease. “Now, it’s time to go to the sanctuary.”
The Sanctuary as he called it, was very different then she expected. It was surrounded by short green plants that poked her bare feet. The house was smaller than the one she was previously at. It was also a different color. Her home had been greys and whites. This one was a light shade of pale blue that seemed warm.
“Was ist das?” She pointed to the green plant. “It sticks my feet, but doesn’t hurt.” She struggled to find the right word.
“It’s grass.” The man stated softly, “It probably tickles your feet. We really should have given you shoes.”
“Shoes?” Fehler turned towards him with interest. “What are those?”
“You don’t know what shoes are?” He breathed in surprise. “I guess they didn’t teach you much…” He muttered, sad eyes staring into the ground. Looking up, he gave an apologetic smile. “Shoes are what you wear on your feet to protect them. Like these.” He pointed to his black combat boots.
“Those are shoes?” she marveled with childish delight, crouching close to look at them. “Can I have shoes like that someday?”
“Yes. We’ll go out and get you a pair of shoes sometime soon.” 

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