Tuesday, September 6, 2016

bed time (A sonic oneshot)

KRISSIE: I've been writing a lot of Tails fics today. I hope you guys are enjoying them. Got a long bus trip home, let's see what my brain will think of today.


Sonic hummed an old lullaby as he ran his fingers through the two tailed fox's hair. The fox had drifted off to sleep hours ago, but Sonic wasn't tired yet. He just couldn't sleep. He hummed a long note as he counted the stars. He drew Tails closer as he laid down on the grass. He yawned in an attempt to make his body feel tired, but it didn't work.

Sonic tried focusing on the stars. It didn't made him sleepy. He just wanted to run all the more. He tried to lull himself out to the sound of crickets. They were loud, but it didn't make him tired. Sonic wasn't sure what to do to get to sleep. He knew he should be sleeping, but he just couldn't get there.

Tails stirred and turned his head, "Can't sleep?"

Sonic nodded. "Did I wake you?"

Tails lazy looked around the field before plopping his head to the side. His ear flat on Sonic's chest. "What do you think your heart sounds like?"

Sonic shrugged. "A heart?"

"More like a machine gun." Tails muttered. Tails tapped out the rhythm on Sonic's stomach, causing the blue teen to laugh.

"That tickles!" Sonic swatted Tails hand away.

Tails smirked slightly. "That's what's in your rib cage," he rolled over and laid his head next to Sonic's. "Having a big brother is fun." He laughed.

Sonic smiled at that. He wrapped an arm around the fox's shoulder. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

Tails nodded as he drifted back to sleep.




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