Thursday, August 6, 2015

ShadAmy Week 2015 Cooking

ShadAmy Week 2015
Hosted by ShadowxAmy-Love group on DeviantArt.
Krissie: I found about this and I want to participate in it.
Chapter 1: Cooking
Shadow stared at chicken in front of him. His arms crossed over his chest and his red eyes glaring into the uncooked chicken. Several other ingredients laid on the table. A cook book rested in his lap.
Ruby eyes looked down at the page and then up at the still uncooked food. He turned towards the clock. He had been sitting here for at least a half hour and all he had accomplished was getting the ingredients together.
Shadow sighed as he rested his head on the table. His ear twitched as he heard the door open, but he didn’t feel like moving. Maybe if he was quiet enough they would leave.
They didn’t leave. Darn it…
“You already got everything together.” Amy rubbed his shoulder. “Are you feeling well, though? If you want I can make the dinner.”
“I’m fine Rose.” Shadow pulled himself off the table. He had been hoping to have the food mainly prepared before his girlfriend arrived. He was hoping to impress the pink hedgehog, but he couldn’t figure it out. He was so anxious, a feeling he hated, that he couldn’t even start cooking.
Amy tilted her head. “You sure?”
Shadow nodded as he stood up. “Let’s get cooking.”
Amy beamed a smile at him.
Shadow guessed he might as well rely on the pink hedgehog to teach him how to cook. After all, the cook book wasn’t even in English. He didn’t know what language it was in, but Shadow guessed he would never know.
Krissie: So happy I finished this. I’ve been working on some animatics and let’s plays for YouTube. But if I really like one of these chapters, I make an animatic out of it.


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