Saturday, December 6, 2014

Knuckles Breaks His Leg Pt. 1

Knuckles Breaks His Leg
Part 1
The red echidna glared at the blue hedgehog. He had come to his island speaking nonsense, and frankly, he didn’t feel like putting up with his antics today. Which is why the red echidna now carried Sonic the Hedgehog over his shoulder in an iron grip. He knocked on the wooden door to Tails’ workshop and waited for the orange fox to open it. The whole time Sonic squirmed and spoke rapid nonsense. Knuckles tuned it out, knocking on the door again.
I just want to return to my island.
Tired blue eyes opened the door. “Knuckles?” His groggy voice asked. “What are you doing here?”
He pointed to the blue boy draped over his shoulder.
Tails nodded. “Hi Sonic.” He pulled the door opened and gestured for them to come in. Knuckles came in and plopped the blue blur onto the couch with a careless thump. He nodded to Tails and began to leave. Or at least, he would have had Sonic not grabbed a hold of his arm.
“Aw come on Knuckles!” Sonic whined. “Can’t you hang out for a little bit?”
“No. I have to protect the Master Emerald.” Knuckles stated firmly.
“Ah! But it’s been snowing for 3 days straight. Why not just take a break and relax for once? We can build a snowman.” Sonic gave him a hopeful smile.
Knuckles looked at the blue hedgehog with a stale face that could rival Shadow’s. He shook his head and proceeded on his way. He didn’t have time to deal with this hedgehog. He had an island and emerald to protect.

Too bad for the echidna, the icy ground at Tails’ house was against him. His leg slid on the ice. He tried to steady himself, but his leg twisted in a way legs shouldn’t twist. Tails jumped at the loud crack that filled Mystic Ruins. Sonic stood frozen for a minute, silent as he stared at the echidna’s crumpled form. 

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