Sunday, March 9, 2025

new Anime Trope forming

So I was chatting with My hubby while watching anime last night. We have both noticed that A new Trope might be forming. And that Trope is precious old men reincarnating. We watched 2 anime that had that basic premise last night.
 One of those shows being Neko ni Tensei Shita Oji-san. It translates into "The Guy that Got Reincarnated as A cat." It's a super cute and wholesome 2 minute long episode show. I binged watched the all 11 episodes last night. 

The other show we watched with the same sweet old man reincarting trope is "From Bureaucrat to Villainess : Dad's Been Reincarnated!" The show is about A dad reincarting into his daughter's Otome game as a villainess. so it has the reincarnated villainess trope too. 
Hubby pointed it out last night if this sweet old man reincarnating was going to become a new trope in anime. If this is a new trope forming I personally like it.

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