Random Story Scribbles
Krissie: 3/23/2022 I am mainly making this doc to write down quick random ideas as they come to me. Especially since I always have my phone on me so I can add to it. So enjoy typos and random words that even I will probably spend a good 30 minutes trying to figure out what the hell my fingers ment.
Silver felt like vomiting. Was it the greasy food? The soda he drank? Silver wished. He pouted as he looked at Sonic.
“No.” He said flatly trying to keep from spilling the greasy mushroom pizza he had eaten earlier. Though if he did, he was already planning on spraying Sonic or Rouge with it.
“Oh come!” Rouge piped up after a sip of whatever wine she was drinking. “Why not? You and Amy get along so well.”
Silver rolled his eyes. “So do Amy and Knuckles,” Silver pointed at the red echidna next to her. “And I don’t see you two trying to make him date her.”
Rouge and Sonic stared at Silver. Silver felt trapped. He was the only sober one playing cards. All he wanted to do was play cards instead it turned into the “Let’s try to get Silver to date Amy” game.
“That’s different,” Rouge started.
Silver arched an eyebrow. “I don’t see how it is.”
“Simple,” Sonic stated, “Knuckles isn’t attracted to Amy.”
“Neither am I,” Silver nearly growled. “But it’s not stopping either of you, is it?”
Knuckles tilted his head. “You have an angry setting?”
Silver slammed his head onto the table. Why can’t we just play cards?
The door to the garage opened and Shadow walked up to the table where everyone was sat. “What are you doing?” He glared in his usual tone.
“Playing cards.” Rouge looked up from another sip of wine.
“And trying to get Silver to date Amy.” Sonic blurted.
Shadow arched an eyebrow. “Is.. he drunk?” he muttered.
“Very…” Silver groaned.
“And Silver has an angry setting!” Knuckles laughed. He turned to stare at Silver with his face on the table. “Though I think he’s resetting now.”
Shadow stared at Knuckles and then at Rouge with a look that said, “This is who you love, huh?”
Rouge merely smiled and nodded.
“Alright,” Shadow sighed. “Stop messing with Silver. He’s levietaging things in the garage. And I’m trying to work on my bike.”
“Sorry Shadow…” Silver muttered into the table.
“If I have to come back up here, I’m confiscating him.” Shadow warned as he walked back to the garage.
“Confiscate?” Sonic laughed. “Pfft. What is this, school? And what does that make Silver?”
Knuckles shrugged, “Weed?”
Sonic cackled as Knuckles joined him in the laughing fit.
Silver turned his head to the side so he could look up at the bat. Once her teal eyes made contact with his golden ones, he darted his eyes to gesture at the two drunk men and then back at her. “You going to stop them?” being his silent question.
Rouge smiled as she fondly looked at Knuckles. She shook her head.
Silver sighed. Of course, she wouldn’t put a damper on their parade. Silver closed his eyes and took in several breaths. If Shadow had to come back up here to remind him NOT to levitate the things in his garage again, it wouldn’t end well for him. Silver did not need, nor want, another one of Shadow’s roundhouse kicks to the head. Once was enough, thank you very much. Luckily, or unluckily, Silver had erased that timeline, so only he remembered it. That and the whole, he tried to kill Sonic thing. Silver counted his blessings that no one remembered that timeline. It sucked anyway.
“But seriously,” Rouge tapped Silver on the shoulder. “Why not Amy?”
“UGH…” Silver sat up, rubbing his hands down his face in annoyance. “She’s a great friend. Yes, she’s pretty. But I’m not attracted to her.”
“Are you sure?” Sonic tilted his head. “Because you look at her differently than you do others.”
Silver let out several sounds, but no words would come to him. He pouted as he looked at Sonic. “I do not.” Silver crossed his arms.
Knuckles burst into another fit of laughter. “You sure you don’t have a crush on Amy at least?”
Silver contemplated throwing the red echidna out the window. Though Rouge would kick his butt for it. He could vomit on him. But he wasn’t a pusher like Sonic or Rouge. If Silver had to vomit, he would rather vomit on one of the pushers.
3/29/2022 Krissie: I have no clue where to take this. So enjoy it.
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