Friday, February 14, 2025

weird dream

So I had a weird dream last night. I haven't been keeping too much track of them, so I'm going to try to do that more.
So I was with my partner in the car. He was driving. I was high as the scenery went by. Something happened where he told me to drive. I was suddenly in the driver seat and I don't know where he was. I kept trying to hit the break but my foot kept slipping off. Like the seat was too far back for me. I was going down hill. There was a stop sign to a road going sideways. No road ahead, just a brick building. Maybe a building from old town. 
I was trying to break. Couldn't. Tried to turn but the car went to fast, and I landed in the building.
There was smoke and haze. 
My partner took me and then suddenly we were at home. Just playing video games. 
And I was confused. Muttering questions to myself. Then I realized it was a dream and I think I went to a different dream but I don't it.