Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tails grumbled as Sonic brushed out his fur

 Jan 5th 2025

Tails grumbled as Sonic brushed out his fur. He was never a fan of this. However, it needed to be done. Multiple things had gotten tangled in his fur. Bolts, burrs from plants, several thin metal pieces left over from spin dashing eggbots, probably a few things from Tails’ own lab. Sonic merely hummed as he took his sweet time brushing the young things. 

“Why is this taking sooooo long?” Tails groaned as he tossed his head back to look pout at his big brother. 

“Some things can't be rushed Little bro,” Sonic smiled as he glanced up to met his blue eyes before darting back to the part of fur he was brushing. 

“You're moving at a snail’s pace.” Tails grumbled as his leg fidgeted. 

“Takes time.” Sonic sang softly. 

Tails groaned. He never understood how the blue hedgehog rushed through everything. But became a slow mo when it was time to brush out his fur. At least Tails had the option to either watch TV or stare out the window. Tails, however, was not interested in watching whatever channel Sonic had the TV turned to. 

A soft knock caught their attention. Sonic turned to call at the door. 

“Hi Shadow!” Tails called. He turned to face Sonic, “We had plans to look over his bike.”

Sonic nodded as he wrapped an arm around the fox. He had dealt with his runaway antics before to not trust leaving the fox alone. “

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

 I had a few odd dreams last night. 

The first one, we were walking. Then we came across two different like rectangles of water. One had a bunch of buluga whales. Like they were just standing and staring up like sardines packed in a can. it was odd. I've been up for a bit, so the memory is quickly fading. I remember my partner wound up walking through the second one. Their pants becoming late slightly below the knees.

The second one, I was laying down somewhere. Then I heard and felt a large crash. I got up and was in a garage some where. A driving car had hit a parked car in the garage and the door had been driven down by the driving car. I asked what happened and the person driving pointed to someone in a group of 4 or five-ish people. 

They muttered something about it being that person's fault. they made them do it. and they walked off and disappeared. I then had the five people sitting in a circle, criss-cross apple sauce and picked a person at random and went. "We'll start with your side of the story and then go around the circle." The dream ended there.

The 3rd one. It has faded so much for being the last one I had. I think it had to do with playing Pokemon. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

weird dream

So I had a weird dream last night. I haven't been keeping too much track of them, so I'm going to try to do that more.
So I was with my partner in the car. He was driving. I was high as the scenery went by. Something happened where he told me to drive. I was suddenly in the driver seat and I don't know where he was. I kept trying to hit the break but my foot kept slipping off. Like the seat was too far back for me. I was going down hill. There was a stop sign to a road going sideways. No road ahead, just a brick building. Maybe a building from old town. 
I was trying to break. Couldn't. Tried to turn but the car went to fast, and I landed in the building.
There was smoke and haze. 
My partner took me and then suddenly we were at home. Just playing video games. 
And I was confused. Muttering questions to myself. Then I realized it was a dream and I think I went to a different dream but I don't it. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Show Review Template

Show Review Template

This is simply a template so I can streamline my writing process later.


This is where I introduce myself and what I’ll be discussing.


This is where I talk about the production of the show. What books, etc is it based on.


This is were I list the MAIN characters, personalities, and tropes.

OUTFITS (Optional)

This only applies for magical girl shows mainly, but I discuss the magical girl transformation outfits that the characters wear. 


This is where I sum up the plot of the story. Spoilers are here.


This is where I talk about how I feel about the show, impressions I have.


This is where I rate the show. The S to F scale. 


This is the outro. I say bye, thank the Patreon and Kofi supporters and promote other projects.

Sunday, December 8, 2024


I've been up since 4 something. I put blankets on my bed and in the fort. I then began sorting ALL my plushies into groups. Trying not to let too much light into hubby's room as I took the plushie mountain from his room into the living room. 
The stacks go: 
Sonic and pacman
Sailor Moon and anime
Care bears and sanrio
Nintendo (Kirby, Pokemon, Mario) 
And Nickelodeon and cartoon Network 
I now have to through each pile and sort the keep and don't keep plushies. 
I finished around 5:40 something. Then took a break to lay down and derp on my phone. 
Last night I did some research on the steam family thing and set it up for my hubby and I. My big sister often asks for my steam details, especially when I get a new game. So I invited her spouse because they have a steam account. I text my brother in law to let him know and the response I get is, "I just have to remember my password."
This annoyed me greatly. I just sent back, if you know the email and have access to it, you can reset the password. But I struggle not feeling some way because I'm the one often doing things for them. And I often feel burned out because of it. But I love my sister and her two kids. And if I can help, I do. Though I'm trying to lessen that to keep myself from burning out so fast. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Shadow stood in the kitchen

 7/12/2024 continuing previous 

Shadow stood in the kitchen by the coffee maker. Three plates of food sat on the table with eggs, toast, and sausage. An assortment of jams in the center of the table. 

“Good morning,” Shadow nodded. “How's the hangover?”

“Not too bad,” Espio bowed a greeting. 

Shadow nodded as he pointed to a chair for the ninja. “Tea, coffee, or juice.”

Espio paused as he thought this over. He was grateful the black hedgehog even offered. In his timeline, Shadow mostly glared with a ‘bother me as little as possible’ look. Unless it was Cream, he seemed to enjoy humoring her. The ninja and crocodile did their best to not let Charmy hang around him for fear of a chaos blast. “Tea please.”Espio answered as he considered if maybe letting Charmy around the ultimate life form in a small dose wouldn't be so bad. 

Shadow nodded as he pulled out a pestle and mortar. He walked outside holding the bowl. He returned a few minutes later with the bowl full of herbs. He set to work grinding them by hands. 

“I can…” 

“No. You're a guest. Just sit tight.” Shadow’s ear twitched. “Our fluff ball is waking up.” He shook his head as his ears picked up on Silver’s movements.

After several minutes, Silver strolled into the kitchen. His fur was a mess, and his face said the hangover was like a truck hit him. His turtle pajamas messy with a few buttons undone. 

“Good morning!” Shadow smirked with glee at the sight. 

Silver grumbled a response. 

“Did you vomit?” Shadow asked. 

Silver gave a slow nod before holding his head. “Ugh… this sucks.” He slid into the seat next to Shadow. He leaned his head and most of his body onto the older hedgehog. 

Are you sure you want to be doing that?” Shadow mused in a language Espio didn't understand as he ground the herbs. 

Yeah. Why?” Silver turned to Shadow's body more. 

You brought home a prince last night. I think the poor thing is hurt by your actions.” Shadow teased. 

Prince?” Silver repeated as he opened his eyes. He scanned the room and then jumped up as he saw Espio. “Espio!? How did you get here?”

“You whisked him away here last night. You don't remember?” Shadow teased in English as he got up with the crushed herbs to make tea. “How cruel.”

Silver’s face turned red from the teasing. 

Espio merely nodded, “Good morning.”

Silver took a deep breath. He slunk back into his seat. “He didn't say anything weird, did he?”

“Only the stuff in Italian.” Espio stated. “I didn't know either of you spoke it.”

“Do you speak Italian?” Silver asked in apparition. 

“Let's test it,” Shadow smirked. He turned to face them, “When's the wedding?

Silver slammed his fist on the table turning a bright red. Several items engulfed in a cyan light as they lifted into the air. “Dad!!”

Espio tilted his head in confusion. “Dad?” 

The room fell quiet before Silver felt his brain short circuit. The items dropped first. He followed suit, dropping face first into the kitchen table. 

Shadow arches a brow. “Welp, we broke him, Espio.” He placed a cup of tea in front of the purple chameleon. “Give him a minute to reboot and he'll be back to his normal self.”

Silver grumbled from the table. 

“Lots of people do.” Shadow shrugged. “You going to start the ‘I hate Shadow’ fan club or something?”

More grumbling followed as Shadow slid a plate of food in front of the young hedgehog. “Eat. It'll help with the headache.” 

Silver lifted his head and flared at the plate. Shadow put a cup with turtles next to the plate before he sat down and began eating. Silver frowned at his smug teasing smile. 

“You couldn't have just left me in the dumpster you found me in?” Silver grumbled as he took a bite of his food. 

“Unfortunately you were tiny and in need of care.” Shadow responded like the argument meant nothing to him. “The professor created me to care for small weak beings.” He glanced at the grey hedgehog up and down. “And unfortunately for you, your appearance matches those requirements.”

Silver shot him a pointed glare as he continued to eat. 

The three ate their food in silence. Espio could tell there was a unspoken argument going on between the two but he had no clue as to its contents. 

After breakfast, Shadow instructed the two to take a shower before heading back to Espio's time. The shower was nice. Espio wondered what it was like outside. 

Shadow was sitting, reading a book in the chair when Espio entered the living room. Silver skimming through several history books on the table. 

Espio looked over Silver’s shoulder. Reading wasn't a thing he saw the physic do often. He actually doubted he could read for a while. 

“I'm the only one messing with time.” Silver quickly used his powers to shut all the books. 

“Should I be concerned about a building being constructed?” Espio mused.

Shadow leaned towards Silver, “Careful with that one, he onced attempted to frame me for a crime.”

“The whole point of that party was to not get caught,” Espio defended himself. “Unless you're talking about another time that hasn't happened for me yet.”

Shadow smirked. 

“Either way you both aren't very good at murder.” Silver rolled his eyes. “And no fair not inviting me.”

“You would have trouble with the whole ‘pretend’ part.” Shadow countered. “That's why Rose had you have a tea party with Cream and Charmy.”

Silver pouted as he levitated the books where they belonged on the shelf. “He wasn’t much better.” He pointed at Espio. “And like if you were the same position, you also wouldn't have done the same.”

“One, faker keeps crawling back like a cockroach. Killing him is a pain. I failed so much at it, I gave up. Two, I suggested Rose send you to the tea party. She's not the only one who agreed.”

“Great! Even past you thinks I need hand holding?” Silver threw himself back in the couch. 

“You time travel to stop disasters. You show up looking like a starving mangy cat most of the time. Enough so that it seems any version of me in this timeline you keep changing, finds you in a dumpster and tries feeding your stubborn butt. So yeah, past me probably sees you like a feral cat. Just take the free food.”

“Ugh…” Silver groaned as he stood up. “I'll see you later.”

“I'll be here with food when you get back.” Shadow went back to his book. “Espio learn Italian in the meantime.”

Espio nodded. 

“Please don't.” Silver pulled his emerald from his quills. “Also no talking about this visit. Ever.” He gestured to Shadow. 

Espio nodded as he bit back a laugh. He wondered what