Saturday, June 22, 2024

The captain and the oracle

 10/10/2022 The captain and the oracle

His frame was thin and not a natural thin Atlas had ever seen. It put a bad taste in her mouth as she watched him prance around the ship's kitchen in joy. She jumped up and firmly grabbed his wrist. His sleeve had slipped as he reached upwards for a random spice on the shelf. 

"Atlas?" His soft voice tremble at her sudden touch. 

She pulled the sleeve up to better see the wrist. It was bruised and swollen. A tight purple line from where restraints had been used. She turned to the sailor in the room. “Bring the doctor.” Her ordered short as she turned to the frail man.

His eyes like a starry night sky faced her. But she was unsure if he could actually see. She could find no pupil amongst the eyes. 

“Your wrist is badly injured. How?” She demanded. 

“Oh…” His shoulders deflated as he attempted to curl his limbs around his form. Atlas kept a firm gri on the hand. “My…” he began. He furrowed his brow as he thought of an answer that was truthful but wouldn’t anger her more than she seemed to be. He also didn’t want to be sent back. “My last owner didn’t like me wondering around their place. So they put some heavy… um… bracelets?” he searched for a word. “Yeah. Bracelets on my limbs to limit me. Each had a rattling link on them.” He licked his lips. “But It doesn’t hurt anymore.” He shuffled his feet normally. 

Atlas picked up the small man and placed him on the table. He stayed still like a doll as she moved the sleeves up to see more bruises and scars. “Answer honestly.”

“Yes captain.” He nodded as he trembled.

“Why are you trembling?”

“I’m afraid you will send me back to that owner.”

“You ran away?” 

“I didn’t run. But I did leave in secret.” 

“How did you do so?”

He bit his lower lip as he froze.

“I am the captain of this ship. I saved you from the ocean. So I expect answers. And truthful ones.”

“Yes Captain.” He shut his eyes tight as light formed on his finger tips. It slowly became a small ball in his palm. “I can use magic. I teleported into the sea. Where your ship fished me up.” He fiddled with the magic ball in his hand.

“Ah. Magic is a rare skill.” Atlas watched him as he avoided eye contact. “Lucky for you, I don’t own people forcefully. Everyone who follows me does so by choice.” 

He nodded. “Will you sell me?” His voice squeaked out after a long silence. 

Atlas laughed as she took in the sentence. “I may be a pirate, but I don’t sell people. Moral code and what not.”

He sighed in relief. 

Atlas grabbed an ointment from the doctor’s bag. She carefully rubbed it into his bruised wrists. “Since we’re still a few months from touching shore, why don’t you take this time to think about what it is you want to do. As your own person.”

Tears weld up as he pulled his face up. “I get to make my own choice?”

Atlas smiled at the frail being. Perhaps she was still too kind. “Yes. Within reason. For now, let the doctor give you a full physical and treat your wounds.”

“Yes captain. Thank you captain.” He nodded quickly. A huge grateful smile on his face. 

Atlas sat laid back in her desk looking over paperwork when a soft knocking occurred at the door. “Enter.” She ordered not looking up from the papers. 

“I have finished the examine of the young man.” the doctor stated.

“Give me the full report.” Atlas ordered.

“He’s older than he looks. Due to malnutrition, he didn’t grow properly. He says he’s in his twenties. But he doesn’t know his birthday or birth year.” Atlas nodded. “He was bruises from restraints. Based on the bruises, metal and rope were used. He was several physical and mental scars.” 

“Start with the physical ones.”

“He has several scratches from where he was cut with knives and other items all over his body. There are human bite marks on his body in several locations.”

“Human?” Atlas growled as she crumpled the papers in her hand. She knew people were depraved, but it still irked her.

“Yes captain,” The doctor nodded solemnly. “I believe the sexual abuse has been going on for several years.” 

Atlas nodded, “Did you make copies of the marks? If we find a match, I’ll make them pay for such a transgression.”

“Yes captain.” The doctor. “I added photo copies to his file.” 

Atlas nodded. “Any other injuries.” 

“His eyes do not react to light. But he is able to describe somethings. However, he was never educated properly so he struggles with words. He doesn’t know colors or how to read. He also appears to have limited feeling in his limbs. I believe he is using magic to move and possibly see.” 

Atlas nodded. “You mentioned mental scars too?”

The doctor nodded. “Yes. He freezes and goes limp with every touch. He seems to stare off and disassociate almost like a living doll. He did it during the examination. He apologized because his thing doesn’t work. I doubt he’s ever seen a doctor before.” 

“Thing?” Atlas arched a brow.

“From what I was able to get him to tell me. SEveral of his previous ‘owners’ were dissatisfied that his penis did not work properly.” The doctor explained. “They were displeased he couldn’t get erect or ejactulate.”

Atlas let out a laugh. “Forgive me. But if I were a man in his position, I wouldn’t either.”

The doctor nodded with a small number. “Though I do want him to receive a full education. He has none, so he doesn’t seem to understand many things.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Atlas nodded. “Perhaps sending him to a refuge home in one of the cities we port at.”

“That would be wise Captain.”

Atlas found the thin man in the kitchen again. His voice held the excitement of a child on christmas. She peeked into the kitchen to see his pink hair bouncing with excitement as he moved. The kitchen staff grinning with amusement as they showed him many dishes. 

“Hello Captain,” one of the cooks greeted. “Is there anything we can get you?”

The young man became more quiet in her presence. Atlas frowned a bit. She knew she was intimidating. Being six foot six made that obvious. But she didn’t like being feared by innocent small people. 

“I see you have a guest,” Atlas stated as she took a seat. “How are you liking the kitchen?”

He took a moment to respond, but he smiled brightly. “It smells very nice in here. All the food has different textures and scents. It’s very interesting.” 

Atlas nodded as he rambled on. 

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