Thursday, June 20, 2024

Rouge Meets Maria

 10/4/2022 Rouge Meets Maria

Rouge beamed as she greeted Maria. She wasn't sure how long Shadow had known Professor Gerald Robotnik has made an ultimate life form with Maria Robotnik's memories. But she was glad he trusted her enough to not only tell her, but introduce her. 

Maria gave her a firm handshake after hugging Shadow, who accepted the hug with no fuss. 

"Come on in," she spoke softly, "But keep the noise down. She's still asleep." She had them into a kitchen where she was in the middle of making breakfast. 

Rogue wondered if Maria had a child or a roommate. Maria looked young but ultimate life forms were immortal so there was no telling. 

"Rouge do you like omurice?" Maria kept her voice soft.

Rouge shrugged, "I haven't had it before. But I'll try it."

Maria smiled, "Well I hope you like it."

Rouge chuckled as she watched Maria prepare a cutesy breakfast while the other 3 were normal. The sausages were cut into animal shapes. The omurice looking like a character being tucked into a blanket with star and fish shaped fruit. 

"How old is your daughter?" Rouge smirked as she eyed the plate. 

Maria tilted her heart as she liked to say Rouge. "I don't have any children. What made you think that?" She paused for a moment before glaring at Shadow. "What weird jokes are you pulling now?"

Shadow stared at her blankly. Before glancing at the plate then back up at her. "The plate looks like a kids."

Maria looked at the plate before going, "Poor thing has been sick. She deserves a good meal."

Shadow pointed at the plate. "And the look?"

"To get her to smile of course." Maria smiled as she booped Shadow on the nose. "I'll teach you later so you to can make sick friends cute meals."

Rouge stared in awe as Shadow crossed his eyes to stare at her finger. The glare was one of annoyance but amazingly not death. 

Maria busied herself with putting the cute meal on a plate. Rouge's eat twitched as a door gave a soft click. It seemed the roommate was awake. 

A pink hedgehog in an oversized, band Tshirt and soft pastel pajama pants shuffled into the room. She squinted her eyes as she gave a soft good morning. 

"Good morning!" Maria grabbed as she walked up to Amy and pressed the back of her hand to the sleepy girl's forehead. "Your fever has gone down which is good." 

Amy nodded, "I'm feeling a lot better."

Maria smiled as she moved stray quills out of Amy's face. "Shadow bright Rouge to visit. We'll try to keep it down so you can rest. You just eat breakfast and take a bath when you're ready."

"I can rest at home." Amy swayed a bit.

Maria talked as she sat Amy down. "Nope. Not without someone over." She put the plate of cute food in front of her. "Until then, this nosy neighbor is taking care of you."

Amy nodded as she looked at the plate. She smiled as she liked at the cute looking plate. "Thank you." She murmured as she dug into the food.

Rouge tilted her head. "Cold?"

Amy gave a soft nod.

"Well at least you listen to someone when you're sick." Rouge chuckled. "When did you introduce Amy to Maria?" She grinned at the black hedgehog.

"He didn't." Maria answered. "Unlike Shadow, I age. I was found as a baby by my parents. They were friends with Amy's parents. So we grew up together."

"Oh," Rouge hummed as she chewed. "So you know embarrassing stories for both of them, huh?"

"Yes." Maria beamed. 


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