Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Silver gave an uneasy smile.

 September 16th, 2022

Silver gave an uneasy smile. He blinked several times. He shook his head. “I am not going to ask Amy on a date.”

“Silver, you lost the card game. That means you have to do a dare decided by the winner,” Sonic pointed at himself, “Which is me. There is no getting out of it.”

“One, pick something else.” Silver stated in defiance. “Because I’m not doing that.” 

“Come on, I don’t want to be chased for valentines day.” Sonic whined. “And if she has plans with you, I’m free. Plus you agreed to play.” 

“I thought the dares would be fun.” Silver groaned. “I am not asking Amy out for a date. What so ever.” 

“I thought you liked Amy,” Knuckles added to the conversation. 

“I like all of my friends,” Silver smiled. “Doesn’t mean I want to date any of them.”

“Come on, it will just be one day.” Sonic begged.

“No. Pick something else.” Silver stated firmly. 

“You’re being unreasonable Silver,” Sonic pouted.

“If it makes you feel better, Sonic has gotten all of us with it once.” Tails assured him. “And when Amy finds out it was dare she swingers her hammer at Sonic, not us.”

“While the hammer is scary. I’m not so morally corrupt to go on a date with Amy.” Silver stated. 

“Fine.” Sonic huffed, “If you give me a good enough reason, I’ll change the dare. But it has to be a good reason.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Don’t wanna isn’t a get out of a dare reason.” 

“I’m gay.” 

“I’m not asking you to sleep with her.” Sonic coughed. “It’s just one date. For a holiday.”

Silver heaved a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to tell them. But morally Silver couldn’t do this dare. “Amy and I are related and taking her on a romantic date is incestous.”

Everyone froze as they stared at Silver. That was not an excuse they were expecting. Espio stared at him looking for a sign he was lying. 

“You’re joking right?” Sonic stared in shock.

“I’m not,” Silver stared back at Sonic.

“Amy doesn’t have any relatives.” Sonic said in a gotcha tone.

“I’m from 300 years in the future Sonic. She had kids.” Silver rolled his eyes.

Sonic deflated a bit before piping up. “Then how can we be sure you’re not lying to get out of the dare?” 

Silver nodded. “Alright. I’ll prove it.” Silver got up and grabbed his emerald. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Silver disappeared in a flash of green light.

“Do you think he’s going to come back with a family tree?” Vector joked.

Silver reappeared with a very grumpy looking Shadow holding a coffee mug like it was a life line.

“Sup Shadow?” Sonic tilted his head in confusion before turning and looking at the Shadow sitting at the table lazily building a house of cards.

“If a time paradox starts because of this, I will fix it, but I’m going to complain the whole time.” Tails glared at the grey hedgehog. 

“I only brought Shadow from my timeline to confirm for Sonic I’m not lying.” Silver smiled. “I’ll take him right back.” 

The older Shadow arched a brow at Sonic. “Why was I brought for show and tell?”

“Is Silver related to Amy?” Sonic asked quickly. This Shadow looked ready to throw a chaos spear at everyone.

Older Shadow tapped his mug. “Stop sending others to take Rose on valentines dates to keep her out of your quills. It’s rude.” He looked at the others at the table. He pointed at Espio with his index finger. 

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