Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Shadow felt awkward and he hated it.


Shadow felt awkward and he hated it. The feeling was foreign. And yet here he was. Wearing a suit he really wanted to chaos blast into ash. 

"You won't die from being social." Sonic teased. Shadow glared at him. Sonic, his hands to in defeat before going about his business.

Stupid formal setting. Why did he have to participate in some pompous night while government officials talked and mingled. He would much rather ditch this evening.

"Agent Shadow."

Shadow kept his poker face though the urge to groan was strong as he turned to face Commander Towers. "Commander," Shadow saluted. Inside he was muttering about how much he hated the stupid military suit. The princess Eloise was beside him. Shadow was pleased the Commander seemed to not be enjoying this event to.

"Agent Shadow, this is princess Eloise." The commander stiffly introduce him. 

"Greetings your majesty." Shadow bowed. 

Princess Eloise smiled. "It's nice to meet you." She gave a soft curtsy. She seemed uncomfortable as she looked around. Who was she looking for? Shadow had a sinking feeling he would be doing the finding. 

"Why isn't Miss Rose with you?" The commander demanded more than asked. 

Shadow arched a brow at the commander. "Rose is mingling with a friend. Do you need her for something?" Shadow straightened his posture. The commander has no reason to want to talk to her. 

The commander crossed his arms as he stared down at the 3 foot hedgehog. "Agent Shadow," he began in a warning tone. Shadow glared back. "We're going to find Miss Rose and you're going to stick next to her until the end of this event."

Shadow gave the commander a questioning look.

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