Sunday, June 23, 2024

Maria’s Crush

 10/11/2022 Maria’s Crush

Manic hummed as he cooked in the large kitchen. Today was a chill day. His friend, Maria, had called him over to cook for her. To Manic, this was the easiest job ever. A knock at the door made Manic paused. He pressed a button on the counter. “Maria door.” Manic sang into a speaker before going to answer the door.

“Sup?” he greeted the two at the door. 

Shadow stared straight ahead with a poker face as Amy smiled with that head title that Manic knew was questioning. 

“Maria is in her work room, but she should be up soon.” Manic stepped aside to let them in. “I’m almost done cooking lunch.”

Shadow nodded as he entered. He glanced around the place, taking note of the decor. 

“Will you be joining us for lunch?” Amy made light talk as they followed him to the kitchen. 

Manic shook his head. “Nah. Maria offered to pay me to cook.”

Shadow nodded as he pulled out a seat out for Amy. A rare show of his manners that Amy accepted. “I’ll go let Maria know we’re here.” Shadow stated before disappearing in a green cloud. 

Shadow appeared in Maria’s workroom. It looked like a tornado swept through with all the items every where. The blond hedgehog was fiddling with a headband on a mannequin. 

“Maria,” Shadow called out to her as she walked up to her. 

“I heard Manic call. I’ll be up in a sec. This needs one little tweak.” Maria carefully placed a gem on the head band. 

“Speaking of him.” Shadow gave a mischievous grin. “Why is the crush you have a lovey dovey shrine to in your kitchen?” Shadow leaned onto her work desk. “I”m amazed you’re not up there drooling over it.” 

Maria blushed as she glared at her brother. “I don’t drool in front of him!” Shadow arched a brow at her. “And 2nd, hiring him to do a random task is good. I get eye candy and he gets paid and is none the wiser about my crush on him.”

Shadow gave a simple nod. 

Maria gave him a light slap on the arm. “You better not drop any hints and many my relationship with him awkward or else.”

“Or else what?” Shadow smirked. 

“I might drop some not so subtle hints to Amy that you have a crush on her.” Maria warned.

“Why not so subtle?” Shadow glared.

“Amy is dense when it comes to realizing people are into her.” Maria put the last gem into the head piece and left it to dry. She poked Shadow in the cheek. “My poor little brother. Your love life is unrequited.” 

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