Saturday, June 29, 2024

catfish office work

 11/1/2022 catfish office work

Sephie tapped her foot as she sorted the many papers on the desk. She wondered when the last time any of these files had been sorted. It looked like they had just been tossing the random papers into the cabinets and hoping the files would magically sort themselves. Sephie bit back the harsh cackle in her throat. Her being a magical being organizing these files wasn't lost on her. 

At least she was being paid for it. Though she wondered if she should ask for a raise. After all, she was at risk of so many papercuts. It took several hours to sort the papers and neatly stack them. Sephie groaned as she got up from her desk. She needed a drink before going through the long process of typing up the papers into a digital format. 

The break room has a decent selection of coffee and tea. Sephie stretched her sore limbs as she scanned the selection. What flavor caffeine did she want today?

She continued doing stretches as she tried to make up her mind. Wrapping her hands above her head and leaning her upper body to the left and right. She eventually settled on green tea, taking a paper cup with a lid back to her desk. She hated at the clock. Why couldn't it be time to clock out yet? She blew into the lid opening before sitting the cup down. It would take several more hours to convert these files into digital format. 

Sephie grinned when her watched beeped. "Finally!" She silently cheered. It was time to go home. She had barely made a dent in the sorted paperwork. She would tackle it tomorrow. She checked her now empty cup before tossing it in the trash. She logged out of the computer before clocking out and leaving. 

Sephie stretched out her limbs as she left the building. The breeze felt invigorating as she walked down the street. She wondered if she should take her cat form and take the roof top route. Either route was about the same time. Though each had different short cuts that could be taken.

She decided to walk through the park area while she mused over it. Her eyes caught the glint if scales in the distance. The park had a decent size river with a chill current going through it. She recognized the glint if light as coming off of fish scales. She quickly walked over for a better look. 

Sephie chuckled as her keen eyes caught sight of Tallu's hiding form. She glanced around, there weren't too many people do creating an illusion barrier wouldn't be too much on her. Once her barrier was up, she called out to the mermaid. 

"You're feeling daring today, huh Tallu?" Sephie let the laughter roll into her words. 

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