Friday, June 28, 2024

10/25/2022 catfish nap

 10/25/2022 catfish nap

Sephie stretched out on the window nook. It was very soft and comfy. The plushies only added to her comfort. Her ears twitched as she heard the foot steps coming to the door. But the sun beam was soooo warm.

The door opened and Tallu kicked off her shoes. She carried a bag towards the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks as she spotted Sephie laid out in the window seat. 

"Sephie, I'm home." She chuckled softly. 

"Welcome back," Sephie mumbled as she drifted between the walking and the dream world. 

Tallu marveled at the odd twisting of Sephie's body as the cat girl softly napped. "Do you want to get up and eat with me?"

Sephie mumbled, "Nu-huh. Too comfy."

Tallu chuckled as she continued to the kitchen. "That's fair." She whispered.

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