Saturday, July 6, 2024

time travel team sonic

 Jan 12 2023 time travel team sonic

"Ugh…" Sonic groaned, "What truck hit me." The room he was in felt familiar but off. Tails and Knuckles were just beginning to wake up in beds next to him. "Are your heads pounding too?" He asked. 

"Talk quieter or I'll pound you harder." Knuckles held his head in his hands.

Tails simply responded with a thumbs up. 

The door opened and a black hedgehog came in with 3 Iv bags in his arms. He paused as he started at the three more awake mobians.

"Shadow!" Sonic waved. "Sup? Where are we?"

The hedgehog sighed. "I'm not him." He flicked on the light. His quills were messy and he didn't have the same stripes as Shadow. The stripes weren't even the same red hue. His eyes a more orangish hue. "You guys messed with a time some and traveled through time." He went about changing the ivs keeping his voice soft and low. "I'm Gerald."

"You look a lot like Shadow," Sonic stated.

Gerald smiled, "He is my dad. That's how we knew you three got into 'more of faker's shenanigans." Gerald mimicked Shadow's voice.

Sonic laughed, "You're very good at that."

"Rouge owes me 25 rings." Knuckles stated amused. 

Gerald nodded as he checked Tails's health. "You're lucky you don't have a concussion."

Tails gave a soft nod. "How do we get back to our time?"

"Silver is in this time." Gerald explained. "We gave him a call. He'll be over in a few hours. Mom went to the store. Charles and I are taking care of you guys till mom gets back to cook a meal."

"Who's Charles and where's Shadow?" Sonic asked.

"Charles is my younger brother. Dad got called away for some work." Gerald answered after checking Sonic and Knuckles for concussions. "Do you guys want to come down for snacks?"

The house was homely. Knuckles arched a brow at the play place in the corner of the living room. 

"Aren't you too big for that?" Knuckles pointed at the play place. 

"Oh, we have a baby brother." A black hedgehog with his quills styled to go forward stated as he came out of the kitchen. "Good morning, I'm Charles!" His green eyes sparkled as he bounced on his heels. "The cookies are almost done."

Sonic couldn't help but laugh, "And Shadow tries to pretend he doesn't like kids." 

"I'm getting 25 rings for each kids he has from Rouge." Knuckles did the math. "So that's 75 rings I'm getting… eventually."

Gerald and Charles laughed as they led the trio to the kitchen. 

"So what do you guys like to do?" Tails made small talk as he ate a cookie.

"Charles draws comics and his bugging dad and mom about wanting pet chickens." Gerald mused.

"Gerald makes books. Like pop up ones. He's also a night owl, hence the pj look." Charles handed him a cup of hot tea.

"I prefer to be called low energy." Gerald took a sip. The group engaged in small talk until the front door opened. 

"I'm home," Amy came in holding a car seat with a baby in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other.

Gerald quickly snagged the car seat from her, talking to the baby inside.

"Are you guys okay?" Amy sighed as she watched Gerald walk into the living room.

"Sup Amy!" Sonic waved, "What brings you by?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "I live here." She turned to the living room, "There are still groceries in the car."

"Yes mom." Gerald pouted as he carried the baby outside.

Amy shook her head. "When do you think your brother will stop carrying him every chance he can?" She asked Charles, who was already putting items away. 

"When Markie starts complaining about not wanting to be carried anymore." Charles stated. He thought for a moment. "I am guessing around 10 to 15."

Kids age chart: Gerald (17)/ 3yr older than Alexander 14yrs/ 1yr older than Charles 13yr/ 9 yes older than Catherine 4yr/ 3 yrs older than Markus 1yr.

Amy sighed. She turned to the trio with a smile. "So aside from my oldest spoiling his siblings. Silver should be on his way to get you guys back to your time in a few. So what happened?"

"We found the time stone while exploring some cool ruins." Sonic explained. "Congratulations on the kids. They've been really nice."

Amy smiled. "Thank you. It's been a struggle to keep Shadow from spoiling them rotten. And Gerald is doing the same."

"Big bros jobs are to torment and spoil." Gerald defended as he brought in the rest of the groceries. The bundled baby giggling happily. 

"And where is the torment part of that?" Knuckles smirked at the teen.

"Look at him!" Gerald moved the baby to have them. The baby was a pair red with green eyes. They were wearing a bear onsies with a hood. "Who would torment such a cute kid?"

The three laughed. 

"Only someone heartless would torment a baby." Tails waved at the baby. 

Gerald introduce the baby, Markus, to the trio as Amy began making lunch. The boys moved to the living room. Charles set up alphabet blocks into small words like cat and bat. 

"Teaching the baby words already?" Sonic tilted his head. 

"His crawling and walking will be delayed due to Gerald holding him every chance he can get." Charles teased.

"He's cuddly." Gerald bounced Markus in his lap.

The door opened and Silver and a pink hedgehog child walked in. 

"That's another one?" Tails' eyes widened as the kids paused and stared at the trio.

The pink kid with green eyes was the spitting image of Amy. They were holding some rag in their hands very carefully. They crabbed walked to the side, staring like a deer in headlights.

Silver laughed. He was a lot older then the trio had ever seen him. "She's also their only daughter." Silver closed the door and turned to the girl. "Catherine, this is Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. I have to take them back to their time."

Catherine nodded. She held up her foot to Silver, looking him in the eyes with intent.

Silver chuckled as he bent down. "Yes. Yes your majesty. I shall put your shoes away."

The girl nodded as Silver carefully took off her shoes.

"So, she inherited all of Shadow's quiet." Knuckles mused.

"Pretty much," Charles agreed. "Did you have a good time hanging out with Silver today?"

"Affirmative!" She nodded as she walked up to Charles. "I got you a gift." She gestured to the item in her hands. 

"Oh really?" Charles leaned down to her eye level. "Thank you. Can I see it?"

She nodded, "Be gentle."

"I promise I will." Charles smiled as he carefully removed the top rag of the items she was holding. A baby chick chirped. Charles let it a near silent squeal. "I love them. Thank you!"

Catherine beamed with pride. "I found it during the mission!"

"What did you do on your mission?" Tails asked.

"We cleaned up a farm and gathered lost animals." Catherine replied happily. "Silver's boyfriend showed me a cool trick. And Mr Farmer gave me a chick as payment for helping."

"I brought you along because you wanted to see the goats." Silver sighed.

"You have a boyfriend? Does he time travel too?" Sonic mused.

"Tell the drama llama nothing," Silver jokingly ordered.

"Why do I hear a chicken in my house?" Amy called from the kitchen. 

"I got Charles a baby chicken.' Catherine announced proudly as she raced to the kitchen.

"Sweetie…" Amy began.

"You can't send it back. It's rude to return gifts." Catherine countered.

"Where is the chick going to sleep?" Amy tried to reason. 

"In brother's room until we make it a chicken house." Catherine stated. "I'll help."

"Sweetie, you're four." Amy stated.

"Yes. And?"

Amy sighed. "Who did I anger in a past life to have 5 stubborn children?" 

"While your mom is busy soul searching. Where's the time stone they brought with them?" Silver asked the teens. 

Charles grabbed a container off the bookshelf. "Have a safe trip." He turned to Sonic with a big smile. "Try not to meddle in Silver's love life too much."

"I would prefer no meddling." Silver rolled his eyes. He took the time stone out of the container. "Let's get you back to your time." Silver led them to the backyard and made them hold hands so they wouldn't get lost during the chaos control. They reappeared in front of Uncle Chuck's place. "You know how to get home from here?" The three nodded. "Good. See you later." With that, Silver teleported back.

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