Thursday, July 4, 2024

manic in danger

 12/21/2022 manic in danger

Manic tapped his fingers on his controller. He felt awkward with the death glare emitting from Shadow. The black hedgehog looked like he was plotting a murder. It didn't help that Sonic was also glaring at him too.

"Oh joy," Manic thought to himself, "I get to be ended by the two fastest things alive."

Manic adjusted himself to pull Amy closer since she was the only thing keeping the two teens from ripping out his throat. Grant it, she was also the reason they were angry with him. 

Amy remained oblivious to the danger Manic was in as she curled herself in his lap, wrapped in blankets. Poor thing had a cold. Manic decided to hold her up as she played some games to spend the time. 

Now Manic was stuck with Sonic on one side and Shadow on the other. The two insisting on joining in the gaming session the moment they got here. Sonic's reaction of disapproval was odd. He spent forever saying he wasn't interested in Amy romantically. And yet here he was, giving his own twin brother glares and judgement.

Shadow was a hard one to read. Went he showed up at the house with his bro? Manic could only speculate. Manic knew Shadow didn't like most people, but he thought they were neutral with each other.

Manic slid one hand to check Amy's temperature. Amy giggled at the cool touch. "That fever just won't lower," Manic frowned. 

Everyone jumped at the audible sound of a growl coming from the other side of the couch. Sonic jumped on the arm of the couch as Manic held Amy closely. 

Aleena stood in the door way in shock. Jules held several bags of groceries in his hands. 

"Shadow, please don't growl just because you're struggling at video games." Charles lectured from behind his brother. 

Shadow's ears twitched as he stopped growling and settled for glaring at the TV. 

"How is Amy's fever?" Aleena busied her self to the kitchen, giving a worried look at Shadow.

"Still won't drop," Manic called. "Little dude is lucky it's not rising."

"Manic, girls don't like being called dude." Jules corrected his son.

"I don't mind," Amy spoke with a groggy voice. "Manic called most of us at the orphanage dude."

"You two lived at the same orphanage?" Sonic arched a brow.

"Briefly." Manic answered.

"Manic did most of the cooking. He taught me how to bake cake." Amy smiled. "He's the best big brother."

Manic laughed, "Remember you said that every time I get on your nerves." Manic ruffled her quills as he wrapped her tighter in blankets.

Once Amy had been spoon fed a good enough helping of chicken soup, manic carried her to bed and tucked her in. Amy went to sleep quickly after a quick lullaby. Manic made sure she was comfy before venturing down stairs. 

Manic put on a smile as he plopped down on the couch between Sonic and Shadow. "So dudes, what game do you want to play?"

Shadow simply kept his death glare. Sonic's look told Manic that his brother was sizing him up. The blue hedgehog thoughts of, "I don't think you're good enough for Amy," very easy to read. 

"Well, if I'm going to die but these two," Manic thought to himself. "I might as well get a few jabs in."

"You know, I figured Knux would be jealous that Amy thought I was the best big bro figure. But geez…. You two are greener than me." Manic joked as he put in a fighting game. 

The two sputtering was very amusing to Manic. Jules and Charles sat on the live seat, observing with mild interest. 

Manic held up the controller as he pulled the character select screen. "Look, I'm not brawler, so if you dudes want to fight about it, fight me virtually."

Manic smiled as he activated the heroes' competitiveness with the video game.

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