Friday, July 5, 2024

Dinner at Maria’s

 12/27/2022 Dinner at Maria’s

"The garden is looking great!" Maria complimented her brother as she walked into the yard. Shadow gave her a simple nod. The shadow Chao chirped happily as it waved a tiny rake.

"Be careful," Shadow gave a soft showing to his Chao.

Maria giggled. "How have you two been?"

"Work's been tiring. Now I'm on vacay." Shake shrugged. "And it's been peaceful." He carefully put the gardening tools away. "How have you and Manic been?"

Maria smiled as she picked up the Chao. "We climbed a really nice mountain. Went to an amusement park." Shadow nodded as he stood up. Maria gave him a hug. "Is Amy home?" She looked at Amy's house. It was a bright sunny day, if Amy want helping Shadow with the garden, she could be anywhere. 

"Rose is really tired. Jet lag." Shadow stated.

"We wanted to have dinner with you two." Maria beamed. "Manic and I brought you guys some gifts."

Shadow nodded. "I'll wake up Rose and we'll come over once she's ready."

Maria pouted, "Shouldn't we let her sleep?"

"No, she'll be upset if she misses you two before you run off on another adventure." Shadow stated as he grabbed his Chao from Maria.

Maria smiled, "I'll see you two in a bit!"

Shadow carefully knocked on the door before entering. Amy was half slumped off the bed, a bucket of vomit on the floor. Shadow rubbed her back as he put her on the bed. 

Amy groaned as she opened her eyes. Shadow handed her the glass water. She gulped it down. "Thank you Shadow." Amy whispered. She felt so tired.

Shadow rubbed her shoulder. "Maria and Manic are back. They want to have dinner together."

Amy smiled. "I'll take a shower and get dressed."

"You feeling any better?" Shake looked at her with concern.

Amy gave a soft nod. "My stomach still doesn't like me. But I don't feel as tired."

Shadow nodded. "Oh, I lied and told Maria you have jet lag." Shadow picked up the bucket to clean it. 

Amy gave an exaggerated gasp. "You lied to your sister?"

Shadow rolled his eyes at her teasing. "I'll apologize later. Just not today."

Shadow, Amy, and the Shadow Chao came over to the living room of Maria and Manic's home being decorated with balloons.

"Is it their anniversary and I forgot about it?" Shadow leaned in to whisper to Amy. "Am I supposed to remember when it is?"

Amy giggled. "No to both."

"We felt like decorating." Maria explained as she left them to the living room. There were several wrapped gifts on the coffee table.

"You guys didn't have to wrap the gifts," Amy sat on the couch, keeping the excited Chao in her lap.

"It's funner this way." Manic came into the living room with a tray with teacups on it. 

Shadow shook his head. Maria and Manic were both hyper, explorative, and sentimental people. 

Manic tossed a gift into Shadow's lap. "Let's just have a good time."

Shadow shrugged as he held the gift to his Chao to open. The Chao happily unwrapped the gift, plucking the bow and putting it on their head. The Chao held up the key chain with a random pun on it. Shadow smiled as he took the key chain from the Chao. "Thank you."

Maria handed them more gifts as Manic periodically checked the dinner in the oven. The gifts were simple trinkets. The usual gifts the two normal them.

"Now these are the last three!" Maria beamed as she carefully handed one to each of them. She was bouncing with excitement. Manic also watched with amusement. But had a posture that told Shadow he might be in trouble after it's opened. 

"This better not be a glitter bomb." Shadow warned.

"I swear, no glitter." Manic held up his hands. 

"Just open it." Maria pouted at him. "All of you at the same time."

Shadow rolled his eyes before opening the gift. He pulled out a mug inscribed with "World's most protective Uncle" on it. He turned to look at the Chao, who happily waved a vest proclaiming "World's cuddly-est cousin". Amy was giggling softly as her cup read, "World's sweetest Aunt."

"So that's what the balloons are for." Shadow mused as he took in the news. "Congratulations." He got up to hug his sister. He turned to Manic. "I'm amazed I haven't heard from faker yet." Sonic wasn't one for keeping secrets.

"That's because you two are the first to know," Manic started. "Sonic and Sonia are blabber mouths. Telling either of them will lead to all of Mobius knowing."

"So we're going to tell them over the phone during their family call." Maria smiled.

"And the balloons will be a nice touch for that." Manic mused.

The Chao chirped to get Shadow's attention. Shadow turned to the Chao, holding out the shirt to him. 

"Maria is having a baby, so this shirt says you're a cuddly cousin." Shake explained as he dressed the Chao in the new shirt. The Chao began signing 2 with a question mark on top of it's head. 

"Why are they talking about 2?" Maria mused.

"Shadow, I forgot to bring the card over." Amy lied. "Can you bring it?" Shadow nodded as he handed her the Chao before chaos controlling home. He returned a few seconds later. He handed Maria a card. 

Maria opened the basic looking card. Inside was a short scribble of "congrats, you're becoming an aunt and uncle!" With a copy of an ultrasound.

Maria bounced in joy as she handed the card to her husband. "Congrats!" She hugged before moving to hug Amy. 

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