Friday, March 13, 2015

I Don't Want To Go To The Ball Ch1

I don’t want to go to the Ball
Krissie: What am I doing? I don’t know.
Shadow: 25
Amy: 22
Bunnie: 28
Antoine: 30
Rotor: 28
Rouge: 28
Red eyes skimmed over the piece of paper. He arched a brow. “What is this?” He asked.
Rouge rolled her eyes. “It’s a ball.” She stated. “Did you even read it?”
“I read it.” Shadow nodded. “I just don’t see why it was handed to me.”
“Because you’re invited. It’s a ball to establish peaceful relations between G.U.N., the Republic of Acorn, and the Kingdom of Merica.” The commander answered from his chair. “As an agent of G.U.N. you’re invited.”
“Which means you need to get a suit to wear to it. So come on.” Rouge ordered.
“Why? Just because I was invited, doesn’t mean I have to go. I decline to go.” Shadow stated sliding the invite away from him.
“Shadow, you just can’t do that.” Rouge told him.
“Why not?” Shadow asked.
Rouge sighed as shook her head. She looked at the commander. “Talk to him.”
“Sadly, Rogue is right Shadow. Your presence is mandatory.” The commander stated. “Because of your reputation, your presence at the ball will show the people that you are willing to make peace with Mobius. After all, many people are still iffy about you due to the whole Ark incident.”
Shadow clenched his fist. He didn’t want to go to some ball. It was a stupid and pointless thing as far as he was concern.
“Which means you need a suit at least.” Rouge placed her hands on her hips.
“At least?” Shadow asked. “What else would I need?”
“A date and knowing how to slow dance.” Rouge answered matter-of-factly. “I can’t go with you because I already have a date. But you get by declining all the offers to dance.”
“Why would I want a date?” Shadow questioned.
“So people won’t constantly ask you to dance and socialize.” Rouge stated.
“She’s right. If you have a date, people are less likely to approach you. But that’s beside the point, just get a suit and show up.” The commander stood up from his seat. “Can you manage that, Shadow? Or would you like some help with it?”
“I know about suits Commander.” Shadow glared. Did he really think Shadow was some child?
“Well, I’m glad for that.” Rouge sighed with relief. She had been worried about her co-worker. “I’m going to go find something to wear myself.”
Shadow sighed as he walked along the street of Station Square. He didn’t wanted to go to the ball. He glared as he walked forward, people moving out of his way to avoid his anger. He went to his apartment and opened the closet. He still had the suit he had to wear for some ceremony a few years ago. He nodded. He could this. All he had to do was show up for an hour and then the Commander would let him go home. Shadow stretched before leaving for a run.

Shadow sighed as the wind whipped through his quills. Running was so relaxing to him. He slowed to a stop as he came to a clearing in the forest. His red eyes wondered around the field of flowers. There was a pond shimmering with a water fall a few yards away. Shadow smirked. The views here were much more appealing than the view in the cities. Shadow caught of movement by the pond.
He slowly approached it and arched an eyebrow as he spotted a pink hedgehog siting on the edge of the pond. The pond was actually a rather large lake now that he was closer to it. She had taken off her boots and laid them beside her. Her feet were soaking in the sparkling water as she read a magazine of sorts. Shadow slowly walked up and looked over her shoulder. The magazine was full of fancy dresses that a girl would wear to a ball.
“She must have come out here to look at dresses to wear to that ball so she could drag faker there with her.” Shadow thought.
Amy soon realized the shadow looming over her. She gasped as she leapt forward, summoning her hammer. However, instead of landing firmly on her feet, she fell into the lake.
Shadow stood watching for a second as Amy Rose resurfaced. She gasped for air before she opened her eyes to see Shadow. She sighed with relief.
“Shadow! You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that. I almost thought you were one of Eggman’s robots.” Amy cried.
“My apologizes Rose.” Shadow nodded. “I went for a run and stopped to enjoy the view. What are you doing so far away from Knothole?” The spot was several miles away from any city. The closet city was about a 4 hour drive away. It would have taken her days to walk here.
“I stopped to enjoy the view too.” Amy answered, hanging her head slightly. The truth was she had been chasing Sonic around and got lost. She swam back to the edge.
Shadow arched an eyebrow. He knew better than that. “You were chasing after Faker again and got lost, didn’t you?” Amy cringed. Shadow sighed as he reached a hand out for her.
“Thank you.” She accepted his hand and helped her up. She sighed as she tried to ring the water out of her clothes. She had long since ditched her red dress for a tank top and a pair of pants. “So how have you been Shadow?” Amy attempted to change topics. “Anything new?”
Shadow shrugged. “Nothing much has changed.” Shadow answered. “Though I have to go to this peace ball.”
“Ooh! That sounds fun!” Amy cheered.
Shadow shook his head.
“You don’t want to go?” Amy tilted her head as she sat down on the rock.
“No. I’m not a fan of such things.” Shadow took a seat across from her.
Amy nodded in understanding. “That makes sense. You don’t seem to like being in large crowds much. But the ball is happening at the Republic of Acorn capital building. There’s a nice garden area outside. So if you feel too suffocated inside, you can walk around there. We recently planted some Little Planet Flowers in the garden!”
Shadow nodded. “Are you going to the ball with Faker?”
Amy gave him a glare. “Sonic. And no, I’m not. Sonic isn’t too thrilled about formal events. He’s going with Sally anyway.” Amy sighed. They had gotten back together again. Amy had found that out earlier today. She was trying to be mature about it, but it still hurt. “Besides, I’m not sure if I should to go.”
Shadow arched an eye brow at her. Amy Rose not wanting to go to a social function? She loved social functions. She was always wanting to mingle with people. Shadow crossed his arms and leaned forward to stare into her green eyes.
“What?” Amy leaned away. “Is there something on my face?”
“You like people. You like dancing. You love being social.” Shadow stated as he stared at her. “And you don’t want to go to a ball? Who are you and what have you done with Rose?”
“I never said I didn’t want to go.” Amy sat up straight. “I’m just not sure if I should go. There’s a difference.”
Shadow sat up, still eyeing her curiously. “And why shouldn’t you go?”
Amy gulped. “Well… It’s just…” She struggled for words. “It’s a peace ball. And I don’t want to cause a scene and embarrass myself. After all, they just got back together again, and I don’t want to be that third wheel by being clingy. I want them to be happy. I just… I don’t think I should go.”
Shadow nodded. So that’s her problem, Faker and Sally were dating again and she was upset. Shadow had to commend her. She was trying not to be clingy and get in the way. She wanted them to be happy, even if it meant Faker wasn’t with her. “You think you might do something to upset Faker and Sally and cause a scene at the ball?” Shadow stated. Amy looked down at her feet. “I think you should go. After all, you want to, right? I’m sure the others are expecting you to go. They’ll worry if you don’t go.”
Amy shook her head. “Nah. The others aren’t expecting me to go.”
Shadow sighed. He doubted her statement. Why wouldn’t Rose go to the ball if she wanted to go? It just didn’t make sense to Shadow. Rose usually spoke her mind and did what she wanted. Rose was also very considerate of her friends, especially Faker. Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose. If Faker knew that Rose didn’t go because he and Sally were going, he would feel bad. Or go and drag her there in her pjs. Which every option presented itself first. If the latter happened, Rose would be embarrassed. Rouge certainly would hold it over her head for the next year or so. Shadow smirked as the idea hit him. “Rose, can you do me a favor?”
Amy looked up at him curiously. “What is it?”
“Rouge told me I needed three things for the ball; a suit, a date, and to know how to slow dance. I already have the suit.” Shadow stated, “You want to go. So can I escort you? It would save me a lot of… nagging from Rouge.”
Amy thought about it. She did want to go. “What are you going to the ball?”
“Commander says I have to go. People still don’t trust me because of the ARK incident.” Shadow replied. “I have to go to show people that I want peace. Commander says if I bring a date that people will be less likely to try to get me to socialize.”
Amy chuckled. “I’m a social butterfly. If you bring me as your date, people will try to talk to you more.”
“No. They’ll talk to you. I’ll just stand there and watch.” Shadow smirked.
Amy burst out in laughter. Shadow didn’t make jokes often. But he had been opening up slowly. Shadow had an old timey sense of humor. It could be somewhat demented at times, but it’s what made him Shadow. “Sure. I’ll go with you.” Amy agreed.
“I’ll pick you up at 6 then. Sound good to you?” Shadow asked.
Amy nodded. “Sure. I can be ready by then.”
Shadow stood up and reached out a hand to her. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“I can walk back, don’t worry.”
“It’s a several hour drive here, Rose.” Shadow stated.
Amy gasped, jumping up. “I’m that far away from Knothole?”
“Yes.” Shadow stated matter-of-factly.
Amy put on her boots quickly and grabbed the magazine she had been looking through earlier. “Shadow, will you take me home please?” She asked sweetly.
Shadow shook his head. “I just offered to, Rose.” Shadow scooped her up. “Just hang on tight, okay?”
“Okay.” Amy nodded.

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