1 year anniversary.
BMB is something I'm sure all of you on this blog know about. But for all the first timers on this blog, let me say welcome to Galaxy of Tales!
You've come at a very wonderful time in my life. Today, July 18th 2016 is the 1 year anniversary of BMB. BMB is the abbreviated form of Button Mashin' Bitches. It is an internet show I co-host with my sister, Cassy. We also have Button Mashin' Bastard on our channel. Button Mashin' Bastard is hosted by Andrew.
Now, BMB came about because my sister, Cassy, wanted to do it as a hobby. I was down for and really excited because I had been wanting to play games on my channel for a while before that and I got excited to make videos with my sister.
We spent forever thinking of possible names for our channel. Cassy is a perfectionist and she wanted it to look professional, even though we're doing it as a hobby. We finally decided on Button Mashin' Bitches because when I played Tetris as a kid, I would just randomly mash the button and somehow win. The Bitches was added thanks to one of our mom's hats and lighters that proclaimed her the 'super bitch'. It became a joke that Cassy and I were also bitches.
Once we had our name, we spent a good two months making the logo. I made a billion logos. I brought them to Cassy and got feedback. She liked some of them, but they weren't what she was wanting. We eventually went with the one we have now that Cassy created and I went over in PhotoShop to finalize it. The logo with her heads I believe was slightly inspired by Good Mythical Morning logo with there being profile silhouettes of us. Andrew's face logo is inspired by the Game Grumps faces.
We spent forever trying to get things recorded. At least it felt that way to me. We recorded several different versions of Metroid. We really wanted to play it for the show. Only one version of our play through made it to YouTube. And that made it to you guys as a compilation because Cassy didn't like something about it but liked some of the funny bits. So she told me to put those together and that's what you guys got.
Now we also tried to record Tomb Raider at least 3 times. One where I played it. Two were Cassy played it. Either something went wrong with the recording box or the audio so y'all never saw that. I still want to do Tomb Raider, but I'm not sure about Cassy. I think we discussed having our friend Jacque on the show with us because she's super into Tomb Raider.
Jacque played that game on the hardest setting. She's hard core in love with the series. But Jacque recently moved out of state so I don't know if we'll be able to do that.
Cassy also did a recording of Skyrim too. The video footage I believe was staggery, so it never made it way either.
Eventually I got tired of waiting on Cassy and all her need to be perfect with every thing even though it was only going to be a hobby. So I decided to use the basic software I have and began making my own videos without her for my channel. I started with Pokemon Blue because had never played it before. I edited the videos with windows movie maker. I would sync the audio and then export the movie. After that I'd bring the synced video in to actually edit the video.
it was a long process. But that was how the first videos I made were. I used what I had and learned to maybe things better. Cassy wanted a bunch of fancy stuff I couldn't yet do, but I got tired of trying to make videos with her and them being left to gather dust on my PC. I actually deleted some of it because it wasn't being used and I needed more space.
Cassy finally got over her anxiety and decided to just go for it. She had me make the compilation for Super Metroid.
And then,
It sat on my computer for two months. She asked me to make the compilation in April I believe. I simply forgot to tell her it was finished until she mentioned it again in July. I had thought I told her it was done at the end of April. OOPS. guess I didn't. So I have her the file and she posted it on July 18th 2015.
and thus our YouTube hobby was born! Cassy decided to upload new videos every Saturday and I let her have full reign of it. It's mainly hers anyway.
Andrew, her husband, wanted to be on the show. So he got his own segment which uploaded on Wednesday.
We've only had one guest on our show, but we plan on inviting more people to play some games with us. They're mainly friends of ours. We just have to figure out when we're all free so we can record because some of us have kids, school, and work. Yadda yadda life stuff.
In April 2016, we began discussing whether or not we wanted to change our schedule beginning on the 1 year anniversary. We gave it a lot of thought and since the youngest child is going off to school this August, we decided we could.
So starting today, our upload schedule will be changing. Instead of uploading only on Wednesday and Saturday. The schedule will be one new video every day of the week!
Button Mashin' Bitches will be uploaded Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Button Mashin' Bastard will be uploaded Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
and Sunday will be Button Mashin' Bullshit. A new show that will consist of all three of us together. Cassy, Andrew, and myself. Currently the only game being played on this show is Undertale. But we will be adding other games to this show once we finish our pacifist run through of the game or get a second controller as we only have one. The other one has a faulty wire in it.
But that's the history of BMB. And today is our 1 year anniversary! It's like a birthday, but not.
I've made a few designs for RedBubble for BMB to celebrate. A few are already up, but I'll be posting two new ones today.
I hope you'll all join us in celebrating this awesome event!
you can check out BMB here:
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