Monday, April 27, 2015

Late For Class

Creative Writing Shorts:

April 26, 2015
Theme: You're late for school because you overslept, but your teacher hates over-sleepers. He does love entertaining stories, so create the most outlandish excuse as to why you were late.

“But Mr. Pumpernickel! You don’t understand!” Mahsa cried.
“Oh really?” Mr. Pumpernickel sneered down at her. He knew very well that Mahsa had a horrible habit of oversleeping. A habit he hated and very much resented the teen for. “Then let’s hear you’re excuse for being late today?”
The gears in Mahsa’s head started turning as the story began to weave itself. “I left my house on time this morning, but on my way here there was a car accident!” she began. Mr. Pumpernickel leaned back in his chair as he listened. He did love a good story. “I noticed that there was a guy passed out in his car. The cops hadn’t gotten there yet, so I went to help him. There was this horrible smell of burnt rubber and smoke coming from his car and he was just unconscious on his steering wheel.
“I struggled with the driver side door before it popped opened. I fell backwards and landed on my butt. It’s still sore from the concrete. I tried to wake the guy up, but he was out like a light so I had to pull the guy out. He was really heavy.


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