Sonic yawned as he came back from his morning walk with Uncle Chuck's new dog. It was a traiked service doge which the triplets got him a year ago. Sonic was watching him while Uncle Chuck went to some science convention thing in another country.
They stopped by the mail box. Sonic pulled out its contents and flipped through it as he walked into his home. He sat at the table and unfolded the newspaper. His eyes widened as he read the article sporting a photo of Amy and Shadow.
"SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG HAS A GIRLFRIEND." The article title stated in big bold letters. Below it was a picture of Amy leaning on Shadow's shoulder. Shadow was leaning into her, appearing to whisper into her ear. The article continued,
"On INSERT RANDOM DATE HERE, Shadow the Hedgehog was spotted at Station Square Art Muesum on a spectulated date with Amy Rose. Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate life form created by Professor Gerald Robotnik. Shadow was created to be the ultimate weapon. Professor G. Robotnik created Shadow with the help of the Black Arms while working on Space Colony Ark.
Amy Rose is a well known Knothole Freedom Fighter. She was infamous for being Sonic the Hedgehog's number 1 fan for years. She has had many attempted fail dates with Sonic the Hedgehog and was labeled a stalker for pervious actions."
Sonic rolled his eyes as the article mentioned passed events of Amy's not so good moments. The news just wanted to make it juicer then it was.
"The odd pair were seen holding hands at the museum. Eye witnesses even claim that Shadow the Hedgehog was laughing with Amy Rose.
The two were later spotted at Dina's Diner by Station Square Train Station at around three that afternoon. Eyewitnesses reported that Shadow attempted to chock Miles Tails Prower as he held a protesting Amy Rose in his lap.
It is being speculated that Shadow is only dating Amy Rose in order to get back at Sonic."
At that Sonic threw down the newspaper. It was practically becoming a tabloid! Though it normally did if Shadow did anything. People were still afriad of the ebony hedgehog. Even if all he was doing was buying food at the store.
Sonic found it ridiculous and he knew Shadow hated it. He patted the dog on the head as he got up. He would have breakfast and then pay Shadow a visit. Amy would be fine.
Though Sonic knew it was probably only a matter of time before the media put Amy under a microscope. Amy just wanted to be seen as normal, but Sonic knew that if everyone found out she was a member of the Mercian royal family a lot of people would be treating her differently.
Not only that, but Sonic was willing to bet that the news outlets would be speculating if Shadow was only dating Amy in an attempt to gain power before he took over the world or some other stupid thing.
Sonic sighed as he picked up the phone. He placed the dog's food in his ceramic bowl Manic made for him on the floor. He switched out the water in the matching bowl as the phone continued to ring.
"Hello?" Came a familiar voice.
"Hey little bro," Sonic greeted. "You're wide awake already?"
"Nah," Tails laughed, "I haven't gone to sleep yet. I'm working on a new plane."
Sonic nodded. "Well if that works for you, but get some sleep later." Tails mumbled a quick will do. "So what happened yesterday? The newspaper is saying Shadow and Amy went on a date."
"Ah! Are you jealous Sonikku?" Tails teased.
"No, but I'm concerned by the sentence that says he attempted to chock you?" Sonic busied hikself with making breakfast.
"Oh that," Tails sighed, "I told Shadow that I stole Amy's first kiss. He got jealous. It was cute."
"Tails, Shadow should never be called cute." Sonic shook his head. "And you shouldn't joke about things like that. Amy wouldn't like lies like that being said about her."
Tails burst into laughter, "It's not a lie. Remember when Amy and I shared a birthday?"
"Yeah..." Sonic moved the eggs around in the pan.
"I kissed Amy a few days before thinking that it was a good luck charm. I found out pretty quickly that it wasn't a good luck charm and that we had missed her birthday." Tails stated.
"You really... kissed Amy?" Sonic said the question slowly as it processed.
"Yep." Tails answered.
"Miles Tails Prower, it is not alright for you to do that to Amy. She's like a sister! Kisses on the cheek and forehead is fine, but not the lips! Do you understand?" Sonic lectured.
Tails laughed. "Oh no, big brother Sonic is so over protected."
Sonic pouted as he put sausage into the pan.
"Listen, I'll be a good brother to Amy from now on. So why don't you go give Shadow the over protective big brother act? I'm sure it'll make his day. Or throw it completely off. I think it'll be amusing anyway."
Sonic rolled his eyes. "You love people watching."
"I do. It's a guilty pleasure I don't regret having."
"I'll talk to you later Tails," Sonic put his food on a plate.
"Bye Sonic," Tails sang into the phone.
"Go to bed soon," Sonic ordered before hanging up. He would have to go over to Tails' work shop and make sure the fox went to bed.
They stopped by the mail box. Sonic pulled out its contents and flipped through it as he walked into his home. He sat at the table and unfolded the newspaper. His eyes widened as he read the article sporting a photo of Amy and Shadow.
"SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG HAS A GIRLFRIEND." The article title stated in big bold letters. Below it was a picture of Amy leaning on Shadow's shoulder. Shadow was leaning into her, appearing to whisper into her ear. The article continued,
"On INSERT RANDOM DATE HERE, Shadow the Hedgehog was spotted at Station Square Art Muesum on a spectulated date with Amy Rose. Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate life form created by Professor Gerald Robotnik. Shadow was created to be the ultimate weapon. Professor G. Robotnik created Shadow with the help of the Black Arms while working on Space Colony Ark.
Amy Rose is a well known Knothole Freedom Fighter. She was infamous for being Sonic the Hedgehog's number 1 fan for years. She has had many attempted fail dates with Sonic the Hedgehog and was labeled a stalker for pervious actions."
Sonic rolled his eyes as the article mentioned passed events of Amy's not so good moments. The news just wanted to make it juicer then it was.
"The odd pair were seen holding hands at the museum. Eye witnesses even claim that Shadow the Hedgehog was laughing with Amy Rose.
The two were later spotted at Dina's Diner by Station Square Train Station at around three that afternoon. Eyewitnesses reported that Shadow attempted to chock Miles Tails Prower as he held a protesting Amy Rose in his lap.
It is being speculated that Shadow is only dating Amy Rose in order to get back at Sonic."
At that Sonic threw down the newspaper. It was practically becoming a tabloid! Though it normally did if Shadow did anything. People were still afriad of the ebony hedgehog. Even if all he was doing was buying food at the store.
Sonic found it ridiculous and he knew Shadow hated it. He patted the dog on the head as he got up. He would have breakfast and then pay Shadow a visit. Amy would be fine.
Though Sonic knew it was probably only a matter of time before the media put Amy under a microscope. Amy just wanted to be seen as normal, but Sonic knew that if everyone found out she was a member of the Mercian royal family a lot of people would be treating her differently.
Not only that, but Sonic was willing to bet that the news outlets would be speculating if Shadow was only dating Amy in an attempt to gain power before he took over the world or some other stupid thing.
Sonic sighed as he picked up the phone. He placed the dog's food in his ceramic bowl Manic made for him on the floor. He switched out the water in the matching bowl as the phone continued to ring.
"Hello?" Came a familiar voice.
"Hey little bro," Sonic greeted. "You're wide awake already?"
"Nah," Tails laughed, "I haven't gone to sleep yet. I'm working on a new plane."
Sonic nodded. "Well if that works for you, but get some sleep later." Tails mumbled a quick will do. "So what happened yesterday? The newspaper is saying Shadow and Amy went on a date."
"Ah! Are you jealous Sonikku?" Tails teased.
"No, but I'm concerned by the sentence that says he attempted to chock you?" Sonic busied hikself with making breakfast.
"Oh that," Tails sighed, "I told Shadow that I stole Amy's first kiss. He got jealous. It was cute."
"Tails, Shadow should never be called cute." Sonic shook his head. "And you shouldn't joke about things like that. Amy wouldn't like lies like that being said about her."
Tails burst into laughter, "It's not a lie. Remember when Amy and I shared a birthday?"
"Yeah..." Sonic moved the eggs around in the pan.
"I kissed Amy a few days before thinking that it was a good luck charm. I found out pretty quickly that it wasn't a good luck charm and that we had missed her birthday." Tails stated.
"You really... kissed Amy?" Sonic said the question slowly as it processed.
"Yep." Tails answered.
"Miles Tails Prower, it is not alright for you to do that to Amy. She's like a sister! Kisses on the cheek and forehead is fine, but not the lips! Do you understand?" Sonic lectured.
Tails laughed. "Oh no, big brother Sonic is so over protected."
Sonic pouted as he put sausage into the pan.
"Listen, I'll be a good brother to Amy from now on. So why don't you go give Shadow the over protective big brother act? I'm sure it'll make his day. Or throw it completely off. I think it'll be amusing anyway."
Sonic rolled his eyes. "You love people watching."
"I do. It's a guilty pleasure I don't regret having."
"I'll talk to you later Tails," Sonic put his food on a plate.
"Bye Sonic," Tails sang into the phone.
"Go to bed soon," Sonic ordered before hanging up. He would have to go over to Tails' work shop and make sure the fox went to bed.
SONIC ARRIVED at GUN's base within a few seconds. It wasn't that hard for him to get in either. He was the hero of Mobius a few times over. Though GUN soliders would keep him from wondering where he didn't belong. It was irritating, but GUN liked their secrets away from hedgehogs of any and all kind. Sonic found Shadow doing training exercises. He was shouting orders as the soldiers attempted to obey. Their running forms were awful. Sonic felt bad that they had to be wiped into shape by Shadow. He was a cruel teacher.
"Hey Shadz!" Sonic called into the room as he walked up to his rival.
"It's Shadow," the black hedgehog corrected. "And what brings you here, Sonic?"
"Well, I woke up and decided to watch you train your fellow commards in arms." Sonic smirked.
"What are you really here to talk about?"
Sonic sighed as he rolled out his shoulders. "Always have to get to the point, don't ya?" Shadow crossed his arms as he awaited a response. Sonic streched out his legs. "Race me and then we'll chat." He challenged. Shadow could never turn down a challenge.
Shadow smirked with interst. A race sounded nice right now. "Very well. Take a rest break while I race faker. Get hydrated and relieve yourself if needed." He turned to Sonic. "Let's go."
Sonic smirked. "To the pear tree in the park."
And with that the two dashed off.
Sonic grinned ad the two basically tied. Though it didn't help that he was just a milisecond quicker at touching the tree.
Shadow frowned as he stared at Sonic. "So what did you want to talk about Sonic?" He was used to Sonic not wanting to talk in front of Gun. He felt they were too nosey sometimes.
Sonic crossed his arms as he looked Shadow up and down. His back pressed against the tree. "What is your... intention with going out with Amy?"
Shadow tilted his head. "Isn't it a little too late to be jealous now Sonic?"
"I'm not being jealous." Sonic glared.
"Sure." Shadow held the word out as he began walking back to work. "And your question is just what? Curiosity?"
"Don't dodge the question Shadow," Sonic ordered as he walked beside him.
Shadow looked and saw the glare. It wasn't one of rivalry. He had seen the glare a few times before. It was the glare he gave any one who might be a threat to his siblings. Mainly Sonia's boyfriends. "Is there a reason why you're glaring at me like I'm one of your sister's boyfriends?" He shot back.
Sonic rolled his eyes. "Because you took the girl whose been like my baby sister since like ever out on a practical date yesterday and the news media is having a field day with it. So yeah, I'm glaring!" Sonic growled. "So answer the question!"
Shadow took a step back. "You're... interrogating me..." Sonic only glared back at him. "I don't think I can do this right now."
"Too bad, we are." Sonic crossed his arms. "So intentions?"
Shadow sighed as he threw his hands in the air. "We just went to an art museum. To see art. Hang out. Like friends. The news paper is just over reacting because it's me."
"And thd pictures of Amy leaning on your shoulder are what? Photoshopped?" Sonic retorted.
"No." Shadow shook his head. "Listen, Rouge set Rose up on a blind date with Thomas." He decided to start from the top would be best.
"Sleezy, sex obsessed Thomas?" Sonic arched an eyebrow. He didn't like where this was going.
"Yes. But he got caught up with a barista and sent me to tell Rouge to find someone else. I saw Rose. She looked miserable so I took her on a date and told Rouge Thomas sent me as a replacement. The next day, Thomas asked how the date with Rose went, and I lied and said that the museum was a 2nd date to get under his skin and throw everyone off balance. I never ment for tabloids to get involved."
"Hmmhmm," Sonic hummed. "Is Amy aware of this?"
"Of course. We're just friends," Shadow heaved a heavy sigh. "You can stop with the big brother act now."
Sonic cocked an eyebrow at Shadow. "For now."
"What does that mean?" Shadow threw his hands above his head. He was not prepared for this when he woke up this morning.
"You know what that means Shadow," Sonic taunted.
"Why would I ask if I did?" Shadow glared at the blue blur.
"What are you guys up too?" Amy asked as she walked up to them. She could feel the heavy air of a fight that was about to break out. She had to find a way to diffuse the situation quickly.
"We're have a conversation," the two answered. Shadow glared at Sonic. Sonic looked angry, but tried to seem less so in front of Amy.
Amy nodded, "Sure." She didn't buy a word of it. She turned to Shadow. "I thought of something that can help win that bet with Steve. When do you get off work today?"
Shadow checked his watched. "About an hour."
"That's great. Would you like to come with me afterwards?" Amy beamed full of hope. Shadow simply nodded.
"So what's this bet?" Sonic asked.
"My co-worker stated that if I smile genuinely, he would wear a kilt and do a jig at the train station."
Sonic snorted, "Sounds fun. Good luck with that." Sonic hugged Amy. "You'll have to pull out all the kittens and rainbows Ames." He placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder. "We'll talk later."
Shadow stayed with a stale face as Sonic walked away. His red eyes closing following the blue blur's silhouette.
"Shadow?" Amy called.
"I need to get back to the base. Please accompany me, Rose." Shadow began walking to the base.
Amy only chimed in with a happy, "Ok," as she followed him.
"Hey Shadz!" Sonic called into the room as he walked up to his rival.
"It's Shadow," the black hedgehog corrected. "And what brings you here, Sonic?"
"Well, I woke up and decided to watch you train your fellow commards in arms." Sonic smirked.
"What are you really here to talk about?"
Sonic sighed as he rolled out his shoulders. "Always have to get to the point, don't ya?" Shadow crossed his arms as he awaited a response. Sonic streched out his legs. "Race me and then we'll chat." He challenged. Shadow could never turn down a challenge.
Shadow smirked with interst. A race sounded nice right now. "Very well. Take a rest break while I race faker. Get hydrated and relieve yourself if needed." He turned to Sonic. "Let's go."
Sonic smirked. "To the pear tree in the park."
And with that the two dashed off.
Sonic grinned ad the two basically tied. Though it didn't help that he was just a milisecond quicker at touching the tree.
Shadow frowned as he stared at Sonic. "So what did you want to talk about Sonic?" He was used to Sonic not wanting to talk in front of Gun. He felt they were too nosey sometimes.
Sonic crossed his arms as he looked Shadow up and down. His back pressed against the tree. "What is your... intention with going out with Amy?"
Shadow tilted his head. "Isn't it a little too late to be jealous now Sonic?"
"I'm not being jealous." Sonic glared.
"Sure." Shadow held the word out as he began walking back to work. "And your question is just what? Curiosity?"
"Don't dodge the question Shadow," Sonic ordered as he walked beside him.
Shadow looked and saw the glare. It wasn't one of rivalry. He had seen the glare a few times before. It was the glare he gave any one who might be a threat to his siblings. Mainly Sonia's boyfriends. "Is there a reason why you're glaring at me like I'm one of your sister's boyfriends?" He shot back.
Sonic rolled his eyes. "Because you took the girl whose been like my baby sister since like ever out on a practical date yesterday and the news media is having a field day with it. So yeah, I'm glaring!" Sonic growled. "So answer the question!"
Shadow took a step back. "You're... interrogating me..." Sonic only glared back at him. "I don't think I can do this right now."
"Too bad, we are." Sonic crossed his arms. "So intentions?"
Shadow sighed as he threw his hands in the air. "We just went to an art museum. To see art. Hang out. Like friends. The news paper is just over reacting because it's me."
"And thd pictures of Amy leaning on your shoulder are what? Photoshopped?" Sonic retorted.
"No." Shadow shook his head. "Listen, Rouge set Rose up on a blind date with Thomas." He decided to start from the top would be best.
"Sleezy, sex obsessed Thomas?" Sonic arched an eyebrow. He didn't like where this was going.
"Yes. But he got caught up with a barista and sent me to tell Rouge to find someone else. I saw Rose. She looked miserable so I took her on a date and told Rouge Thomas sent me as a replacement. The next day, Thomas asked how the date with Rose went, and I lied and said that the museum was a 2nd date to get under his skin and throw everyone off balance. I never ment for tabloids to get involved."
"Hmmhmm," Sonic hummed. "Is Amy aware of this?"
"Of course. We're just friends," Shadow heaved a heavy sigh. "You can stop with the big brother act now."
Sonic cocked an eyebrow at Shadow. "For now."
"What does that mean?" Shadow threw his hands above his head. He was not prepared for this when he woke up this morning.
"You know what that means Shadow," Sonic taunted.
"Why would I ask if I did?" Shadow glared at the blue blur.
"What are you guys up too?" Amy asked as she walked up to them. She could feel the heavy air of a fight that was about to break out. She had to find a way to diffuse the situation quickly.
"We're have a conversation," the two answered. Shadow glared at Sonic. Sonic looked angry, but tried to seem less so in front of Amy.
Amy nodded, "Sure." She didn't buy a word of it. She turned to Shadow. "I thought of something that can help win that bet with Steve. When do you get off work today?"
Shadow checked his watched. "About an hour."
"That's great. Would you like to come with me afterwards?" Amy beamed full of hope. Shadow simply nodded.
"So what's this bet?" Sonic asked.
"My co-worker stated that if I smile genuinely, he would wear a kilt and do a jig at the train station."
Sonic snorted, "Sounds fun. Good luck with that." Sonic hugged Amy. "You'll have to pull out all the kittens and rainbows Ames." He placed a hand on Shadow's shoulder. "We'll talk later."
Shadow stayed with a stale face as Sonic walked away. His red eyes closing following the blue blur's silhouette.
"Shadow?" Amy called.
"I need to get back to the base. Please accompany me, Rose." Shadow began walking to the base.
Amy only chimed in with a happy, "Ok," as she followed him.
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