So the counselor at school I normally talk to is no longer with the school. I found that out after I tried to send her this email and I got an error could not send email back a minute later. I later printed this out, but it still didn't go through. So now I'm sharing it here because I still feel so much about this issue and I have no one really to talk to at the school about it.
Hi Miss Barb,
I hope you're doing
well. I'm not doing well.
I tried sending this
to you earlier but kept getting error messages saying it couldn't send.
I'm concern because I'm in Production Team and
Mr. Bio just now told us he wants a blog for our project and that it is due
today. It's the first time I've heard of it and the same for my team mate in my
class(and the everyone else in the room). But Mr. Bio is acting like he
informed us about the blog already. But he didn't bring it up last week or any
time before when we asked what all we would need before we could being
I feel like he thought
of having us make a blog sometime this weekend and forgot he didn't inform us
and now he's saying it's due today and that it'll be 10 points off of our grade
til he gets it. But he's not to clear on how he wants it to look or anything so
I'm not sure I can make a blog the way he wants. I kind of get what he wants on
it, but when I ask questions, he just seems to go off on some other topic and
doesn't answer the question clearly. It's irritating. I'm super concerned
because I can't keep going through trying to get what he wants done and then
having extra stuff being piled on top at the last second and then being told
that what I made wasn't right because I didn't do what he wanted even though I
did what he told me but maybe I didn't understand properly, but my brain can't
process half the tings he talks about because it doesn't seem to be related to
the question I asked in the first place. And from other students here who I've
talked to, I'm not alone in this feeling and assumptions.
Also today, Mr. Bio
mention that I needed to make my background for our project with fills, but
when I asked how to make fills in Toon Boom (The program we're using), he told
me to go look it up.
So basically, he wants
the internet to do his job. In the school I'm paying to go to. This is the
exact reason I transferred from Decatur because a teacher kept telling me to go
to YouTube to figure out how to do stuff. I hate that so much. If I made a list
of the 10 things I hate the most, that would be one of them. That very thing
makes me not want to be here and to just pack up and go home before I wind up
in even more debt.
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