Blood filled the tub. She had made a deep cut. Her short hair clung to her body from sweat. Her eyes looked down. Focusing on the movement of blood and suds. They formed silohouttes of images and she could only make up a story to herself.
"The doll is only a doll. It knows not what makes it. It knows not where it belongs. The connectors here don't fit it either. But the doll can't leave without that paper."
the voice was horse. It squeaked out and echoes bounced off the walls. She had used up nearly all of it earlier. Before the cutting, it seemed all she could do was cry and scream. Nothing would numb the pain. That was until she found the knife.
it was small but sharp. She wasn't quite sure why she had the excato knife. She had told herself to get rid of it after that class. She knew the danger it possesed over her. She knew she should have never had it in the first place. But they insisted she use it for class. Well she had certainly used it. The bath tub had spots that were a deep dark red. Other spots were light.
she smirked. It reminded her of her period blood in the toilet. She leaned her head against the wall of the bathtub. She was having trouble keeping her eyes open. She would close them for a bit.
the world went black but she could still hear sounds. The drip from the leaky sink was a sort of metronome to her. The sound of the air conditioner. For a long blissful time out was just this. Then foot steps drew closer. The door handle jiggled. There came a knock. She didn't feel like responding to the voice on the other side. There was another jiggle, but this one different. The door creeked opened. There was a loud commotion but she didn't paid it much attention. Apart of her was curious, but the other part was tired. Cooing for sleep and winning out. Her ears stayed opened and that was all that it would be.
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