Sonamy Week
Chapter 2:
The rain still hadn’t stopped by that night. Sonic and Tails
both agreed that Amy should spend the night. She had the sniffles and Sonic was
sure a fever wasn’t too far off.
Tails passed out with no problem that night. Sonic, however,
had trouble getting to sleep. He got up and went to the kitchen.
Maybe a warm cup of
milk will help.
Sonic found Amy curled up on the fold out couch. She was
shivering under the blanket they had given her. Sonic sighed as drank his milk.
He grabbed more blankets from the hall closet and wrapped her in them.
She still shivered.
Sonic placed his empty cup on the coffee table. He carefully
crawls onto odd mattress. A fold out couch was never a comfortable thing. Sonic
crawled under a few layers of blankets and wrapped his arms around her. He
softly sang an old lullaby as he rubbed her arms.
Amy stopped shivering and slept peacefully.
Sonic smiled as he nuzzled closer to keep her warm.
“Ah!” The high pitch cry woke Sonic and Amy with a start.
Tails came running down stairs with tears in his eyes. The
windows were lighting up thanks to the lightning. He jumped onto the pull out
couch and clung to Sonic. “I hate lightning,” his voice was muffled as tears
soaked the blue hedgehog’s chest.
“I know.” Sonic sighed as he rubbed the young kit’s back. He
began rocking the two tailed fox softly. Tails quickly went back to sleep. Sonic
laid him on a pillow beside him.
“It’s only 4:30.” Amy whispered as she looked at the clock
ticking on the wall.
“Go back to sleep.” Sonic threw a blanket at her as he laid
down on the pull out couch. He wrapped a blanket around Tails.
“How did you two wind up sleeping with me?” Amy arched an
eyebrow. She was feeling a lot better now.
“You were shivering, so I gave you all the blankets.” Sonic
shrugged. “Now it’s a sleep over party.”
Amy shrugged as laid back down. She gave Sonic a blanket as
she curled up in another one. The two quickly went to sleep.
Krissie: This was fun to write. And it continues from the first chapter too!
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