Krissie Gault
I wanna be funny,
But I can’t the bone for it
I settled down in the chair
Turned my music on shuffle
And grabbed my pencil
And then I stare
The white page, blank before me
Loathing the emptiness I see before me
Loathing even more the nothingness inside me
Did my brain go out on a lunch break?
My heart is pounding, demanding
Write, draw, make, create
Yet while I know I want to create
My brain isn’t pumping out the ideas
Those ideas that sprout like flowers
Crystalizing the invisible air
Yet when I finally sit
Prepared and ready
To harvest the rip ideas
Who shine so brightly that I just can’t ignore them
But when I go to work on the stare
My brain can’t send them out
It’s been hijacked and kidnapped
The walls so thick and tall
I can’t find my way in
Boarding my brain up in a box
A black that inside holds the light
Leaving me in the dark
As I try to do what my pounding heart’s demanding
To write, draw, make, create
But nothing of worth is coming out
Only messy scribbles and scrabbles
As another piece of paper is laid to waste
One after another
As I glare at the art block
Such a dastardly bastard
Who stole my brain who flows like the river of ideas
In all the colors of the wind
But holding hostage, persisting on keeping us apart
I stand outside the giant wall,
Banging my hands against the rough brick
Until they’re scarred and bleeding
Locked tight in its position
Tears of frustration stain my eyes
As I now want to drop the pencil in my bleeding hand
But I refuse to give up and let you have that satisfaction
Of knowing you beat me down and stole my source of
So while I fell to my knees in this sea of paper wasted
I screamed and cursed your existence
And while I struggle and stumble,
I stand up again and steady myself
With my fingers locked tight on the pencil
I scribble and scrabble on your prison walls
Turning each brick into another page
Which’ll lay to waste in the field
And one by one, I take those a thousand steps
To recycle you Art Block
And as your walls begin to disintegrate,
The colors, sounds, and visions begin to take shape
Becoming clearer with every new page I create
And as I get to the last piece I glance around
A sea of wasted papers surrounds me
Up to my waist with rocks of broken pencils and pens.
Holding up the final creation of this war
I can’t help but smile
Because behold!
I’ve found the diamond in the rough
A star grander and brighter
Then what it could have been
Had you not arrived
So while I hate your presence when you’re here
You make me writer harder, draw bigger, make better, create
So while I hate you when you’re here
I must say, thank you art block
For pushing me and forcing me
To crystalize flowers from those invisible an untouchable
To create diamonds from those crystalize flowers
Until they shine like twinkling stars
Mushing them together until they create their own planet
Until finally, I’m under the sea of tossed away pages
Only to hold an covet the diamond in the rough
So thank you Art Block for making me
Writer harder
Draw bigger
Make better
Create louder