Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Shadow stood in the kitchen

 7/12/2024 continuing previous 

Shadow stood in the kitchen by the coffee maker. Three plates of food sat on the table with eggs, toast, and sausage. An assortment of jams in the center of the table. 

“Good morning,” Shadow nodded. “How's the hangover?”

“Not too bad,” Espio bowed a greeting. 

Shadow nodded as he pointed to a chair for the ninja. “Tea, coffee, or juice.”

Espio paused as he thought this over. He was grateful the black hedgehog even offered. In his timeline, Shadow mostly glared with a ‘bother me as little as possible’ look. Unless it was Cream, he seemed to enjoy humoring her. The ninja and crocodile did their best to not let Charmy hang around him for fear of a chaos blast. “Tea please.”Espio answered as he considered if maybe letting Charmy around the ultimate life form in a small dose wouldn't be so bad. 

Shadow nodded as he pulled out a pestle and mortar. He walked outside holding the bowl. He returned a few minutes later with the bowl full of herbs. He set to work grinding them by hands. 

“I can…” 

“No. You're a guest. Just sit tight.” Shadow’s ear twitched. “Our fluff ball is waking up.” He shook his head as his ears picked up on Silver’s movements.

After several minutes, Silver strolled into the kitchen. His fur was a mess, and his face said the hangover was like a truck hit him. His turtle pajamas messy with a few buttons undone. 

“Good morning!” Shadow smirked with glee at the sight. 

Silver grumbled a response. 

“Did you vomit?” Shadow asked. 

Silver gave a slow nod before holding his head. “Ugh… this sucks.” He slid into the seat next to Shadow. He leaned his head and most of his body onto the older hedgehog. 

Are you sure you want to be doing that?” Shadow mused in a language Espio didn't understand as he ground the herbs. 

Yeah. Why?” Silver turned to Shadow's body more. 

You brought home a prince last night. I think the poor thing is hurt by your actions.” Shadow teased. 

Prince?” Silver repeated as he opened his eyes. He scanned the room and then jumped up as he saw Espio. “Espio!? How did you get here?”

“You whisked him away here last night. You don't remember?” Shadow teased in English as he got up with the crushed herbs to make tea. “How cruel.”

Silver’s face turned red from the teasing. 

Espio merely nodded, “Good morning.”

Silver took a deep breath. He slunk back into his seat. “He didn't say anything weird, did he?”

“Only the stuff in Italian.” Espio stated. “I didn't know either of you spoke it.”

“Do you speak Italian?” Silver asked in apparition. 

“Let's test it,” Shadow smirked. He turned to face them, “When's the wedding?

Silver slammed his fist on the table turning a bright red. Several items engulfed in a cyan light as they lifted into the air. “Dad!!”

Espio tilted his head in confusion. “Dad?” 

The room fell quiet before Silver felt his brain short circuit. The items dropped first. He followed suit, dropping face first into the kitchen table. 

Shadow arches a brow. “Welp, we broke him, Espio.” He placed a cup of tea in front of the purple chameleon. “Give him a minute to reboot and he'll be back to his normal self.”

Silver grumbled from the table. 

“Lots of people do.” Shadow shrugged. “You going to start the ‘I hate Shadow’ fan club or something?”

More grumbling followed as Shadow slid a plate of food in front of the young hedgehog. “Eat. It'll help with the headache.” 

Silver lifted his head and flared at the plate. Shadow put a cup with turtles next to the plate before he sat down and began eating. Silver frowned at his smug teasing smile. 

“You couldn't have just left me in the dumpster you found me in?” Silver grumbled as he took a bite of his food. 

“Unfortunately you were tiny and in need of care.” Shadow responded like the argument meant nothing to him. “The professor created me to care for small weak beings.” He glanced at the grey hedgehog up and down. “And unfortunately for you, your appearance matches those requirements.”

Silver shot him a pointed glare as he continued to eat. 

The three ate their food in silence. Espio could tell there was a unspoken argument going on between the two but he had no clue as to its contents. 

After breakfast, Shadow instructed the two to take a shower before heading back to Espio's time. The shower was nice. Espio wondered what it was like outside. 

Shadow was sitting, reading a book in the chair when Espio entered the living room. Silver skimming through several history books on the table. 

Espio looked over Silver’s shoulder. Reading wasn't a thing he saw the physic do often. He actually doubted he could read for a while. 

“I'm the only one messing with time.” Silver quickly used his powers to shut all the books. 

“Should I be concerned about a building being constructed?” Espio mused.

Shadow leaned towards Silver, “Careful with that one, he onced attempted to frame me for a crime.”

“The whole point of that party was to not get caught,” Espio defended himself. “Unless you're talking about another time that hasn't happened for me yet.”

Shadow smirked. 

“Either way you both aren't very good at murder.” Silver rolled his eyes. “And no fair not inviting me.”

“You would have trouble with the whole ‘pretend’ part.” Shadow countered. “That's why Rose had you have a tea party with Cream and Charmy.”

Silver pouted as he levitated the books where they belonged on the shelf. “He wasn’t much better.” He pointed at Espio. “And like if you were the same position, you also wouldn't have done the same.”

“One, faker keeps crawling back like a cockroach. Killing him is a pain. I failed so much at it, I gave up. Two, I suggested Rose send you to the tea party. She's not the only one who agreed.”

“Great! Even past you thinks I need hand holding?” Silver threw himself back in the couch. 

“You time travel to stop disasters. You show up looking like a starving mangy cat most of the time. Enough so that it seems any version of me in this timeline you keep changing, finds you in a dumpster and tries feeding your stubborn butt. So yeah, past me probably sees you like a feral cat. Just take the free food.”

“Ugh…” Silver groaned as he stood up. “I'll see you later.”

“I'll be here with food when you get back.” Shadow went back to his book. “Espio learn Italian in the meantime.”

Espio nodded. 

“Please don't.” Silver pulled his emerald from his quills. “Also no talking about this visit. Ever.” He gestured to Shadow. 

Espio nodded as he bit back a laugh. He wondered what

Monday, July 8, 2024

Espio watched the grey Hedgehog's Careful but skittish Movements.


Espio watched the grey Hedgehog's Careful but skittish Movements. He frowned as he noticed the young Hedgehog kept his back towards the wall So No strangers could sneak upon him. As A ninja, The chameleon knew how to stay aware of his Surroundings at all times. But such a thing was bad for Silver's Health. The Question at this point was, however, how do you get the telepath to Relax and de-stress?

Silver often showed aggression towards Sonic, So the Blue Blur was out. Vector was loud and his size also put Silver on edge at points. Charmy was a kid, so Espio couldn't have him help. Knuckles knew how to relax, but the guardian was too focus on the Master Emerald and the island to teach Silver how to relax. Plus the ninja had a fear that Knuckles would make Silver worse in his need to fix his timeline and what not. 

Espio grumbled as he washed the dishes. He needed more friends he could trust. He wished he had a way to contact Mighty. The Armadillo was great at relaxing and perhaps his chill attitude would be a good influence on Silver. 

"Espio?” The soft voice pulled him out of his spiraling thoughts. The yellow eyes scanned the ninja with concern. "Are you okay?”

Espio gave him a soft smile. "I'm fine.” He assured the hedgehog. "I just have a lot on my mind.” He dried off his hands. 

Silver hummed as he squinted to stare harder at the chameleon. "Okay. If you say so.” Silver's ears twitched in a way that Espio knew he was listening or attempting to listen to the other rooms. 

"Do you want to go watch tv with Charmy?” Espio mused. Silver seemed to enjoy the children's television in this time.

Silver shook his head. He wrung his hands as he shifted on his feet. "We need to make tea.” The teapot floated into the sink. 

"Why?” Espio asked as he watched the pot fill with water before floating to the stove. Silver rarely showed interest in eating, much less cooking. He wondered what brought this on.

A hard knock on the door jolted everyone in the house. Vector got up to answer the door. There was A sound of confusion before The crocodile came into the kitchen with a very recognizable black hedgehog behind him.

“Yo Silver, Shadow says you invited him over?” Vector asked.

Silver nodded, "Yeah. Rouge can be loud and Shadow mentioned being uncomfortable So I said he could use my bed.” Silver gave Shadow a small wave. “Early rising today?”

Shadow nodded.

Vector nodded as he went back to his desk. "Well welcome to the Chaotix Detective Agency, Shadow.”

"Indeed. Though It's not exactly quiet here,” Espio stated. He hadn't seen Shadow and Silver interact often. He wasn't even aware the two were close enough to have idle chats. Shadow having an idle chat was a surprise in and of itself.

"We have water boiling for tea.” Silver smiled as Shadow took a seat. 

“The noise here is more preferable than the noise that Rouge and her partner are currently making.” Shadow stated before turning towards Silver. "What kind of tea are you planning on making?” 

Silver rattled off the herbs that he'd been growing in the Chaotix's back yard.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Silver hiccup as the water went down the wrong pipe.


Silver hiccup as the water went down the wrong pipe. He blushes in embarrassment as he shifted his cup in his hand. “What?”

“Well, Shadow is immortal. You time travel.” Sonic explained. “So have you ever met Shadow in your time?”

Silver blinked as he stared at the blue hedgehog. His gold eyes shifting to see the ultimate life form slyly look up from his drink at him. Failing to hide his own curiosity, Silver noted. He wondered how much alcohol everyone had drunk so far. He had stuck to water.

He took a deep breath. He was a bad liar according to most of their friends. He sighed as he glanced around the bar. Would he want to try alcohol after this confession? Would it be safe?

Probably not. 

He sighed as he nodded.

“So you have?” Rouge grinned. “Does he have a sense a humor yet?”

Silver tilted his head at that. No question of how he knows him in his time. Today must be Silver’s lucky day. He thought for a while. Did he have a sense of humor?

“He's told me a few jokes.” Silver admitted. “But I either don't get them or they stopped being funny when I was like 11.” He shrugged. “So I guess he developed one. That or he's keeping all his humor to himself right now.” He glanced at the ebony hedgehog who was finding his beer far more interesting than the party. 

“Wait? 11. How did you run into him?” Sonic mused.

Silver sighed. “Apocalypse Sonic. Everything sucks and is on fire. Some people cluster up with other people. Safety in numbers.” Silver shrugged. Not quite a lie. Not quite the truth either. 

“Shadow doesn't exactly do social, Silver.” Rouge stated. 

“Yeah. But it's several centuries in the future. That changes people. He's gotten old and crazy in my time.” Silver mused. “Enjoy him while he's sane.”

“Didn't you stop the whole fire apocalypse thing?” Shadow spoke up from his drink.

“I did.” Silver stated. “But my memories didn't just switch over to the new/current timeline for my future. I'm mostly speaking from my memories.” Silver shrugged. 

“So when did you met Shadow in your original timeline then?” Rouge mused. “I'm very curious as to how different he was from the Shadow I know.”

Silver fidgeted. “I… don't think that's a good idea.” He glanced at Shadow, who for some reason was waiting for him to answer. 

“Oh come on,” Rouge hugged Silver's side. “Are you afraid Shadow will get mad if you accidentally reveal embarrassing secrets of his?”

Silver shifted. “Kind of?” He really really wanted a different conversation. 

“Don't worry, Shads has the excuse of it being an older version of himself that lived through an apocalypse. So he can't get mad because he has deniability.” Sonic smirked. 

Silver glared at the blue hedgehog. That didn't make him feel safe what so ever. Where did he learn his persuasive conversation skills? An old timey black and white comic?

“Silver,” Shadow spoke, drawing the psychic’s attention. “You can say whatever you want about your original timeline. I won't hurt you over your own memories.”

Silver side stepped behind Rouge. He glared at Shadow as he didn't believe him. 

“See, even Shadow gave you the all clear.” Rouge smiled at the physic. She was amused that he was trying to hide from her coworker behind her. She wondered if Silver realized his quills stuck out. 

“Did you redecorate Rouge?” He attempted to change the topic. 

“Come on Silver,” Sonic chuckled. 

Silver began a game of changing the topic every time his original timeline came up from now on. He successfully distracted Sonic. The alcohol helped. Rouge was harder. 

Espio offered him a cocktail to lighten his mood. He stared at the drink. “Are you sure?” 

Espio nodded. “It'll help you relax.”

“I could relax just fine if people would stop interrogating me.” He muttered as he took a sip. “This tastes nice.” He liked the fruity flavors. “I heard that alcohol burns your throat when you drink it.”

“This is a mixed drink. It's meant to taste like it's not alcoholic.” Espio explained. 

“It's nice. But I think it might be dangerous.” Silver noted as he held the glass up to the light to look through it. 

Espio smiled as he watched Silver muse over something he found interesting. 

They made it home early in the morning. Silver seemed a little unsteady on his feet. But Espio had kept him out of Rouge’s careful questioning. The ninja held the grey hedgehog up as he walked him down the street. Silver muttering that he was tired and he wanted to go home. 

Problem was, Espio wasn't sure what he meant by home. Apparently towards the Chaotix hq was not home. Or he didn't recognize it as the way home. 

“We'll have to be quiet entering Amy’s house,” Espio explained. The pink hedgehog didn't come out tonight so she was probably already in bed. But she kept a guest room for Silver at her place. Maybe he thought that was home? He had a lot of house plants there. 

“That's not home.” Silver stomped his foot. Espio wondered when he found a temper tantrum cute.

“Okay, where is home Silver?” Espio mused. The cold air was sobering him up. Surely it would sober the hedgehog up soon. Though he was covered in a thick layer of fur.

Silver, with his head tucked into the crook of Espio’s neck, turned to look at the stars. He made some sounds as he scanned the sky for something. “Um…” he turned his gold eyes to the purple chameleon. “Can't we just chaos control?” 

Espio blinked at that. He didn't think Silver was sober enough to manage it. Or at least even remember he could. “Sure. But you have to take me with you.”

“Okay.” Silver beamed before they were engulfed in a bright light. 

Espio felt unsteady as he blinked to see the new place they stood in. It felt cluttered but homely. A couch with a table in the room. A shelf with a record player and several records next to it. A figure sat on the couch, a book in their hand.

The figure sighed as he closed his book. “What year are coming from Silver?” 

Silver rattled off the answer like it was nothing. A part of him still sleepy on Espio's shoulder, another part ready to drop into a fit of giggles. 

He placed his book on the table. His faded black quills messy as he placed his head in his hand as he looked at the two. “Your day must have been busy. What drink did you have to celebrate?”

“I had a mixed drink. Espio recommended it.” Silver spoked happily. “It was fruity and sweet. I like it.”

He nodded as he listened to the young hedgehog talk. His tired red eyes shifting between him and the confused ninja. “Why don't you go brush your teeth and get ready for bed?” 

Silver nodded. “Kay.” He yawned as he lifted himself off of Espio. “Night Espio. See you later.” And with that he stumbled off into a random room down the hall.

Espio watched him go until he couldn't see him anymore before turning to see a much older Shadow then he was used to. Staring at him as if to study him from the his spot on the couch. “Hello… Shadow.” He greeted awkwardly. If this was a Shadow 300 years in the future though, he might not remember the ninja. 

“I remember you perfectly fine if that's what you're worrying about, detective.” Shadow gave an amused smile as he stood up. He walked to a closet somewhere. “It looks like you'll be spending the night,” he pulled out a sleeping bag and extra blanket. 

Espio fidgeted. “Are you unable to time travel like Silver?” He asked out of curiosity. 

“I can. It's just too risky running into a past version of me.” He explained. “I'm kind of an idiot in your time if I recall properly.” He gestured for Espio to follow him. “Plus I can use you to tease the boy when he wakes up with a hangover in the morning. Might actually teach him to not drink.” He paused in front of a room as he opened it. It was dusty as Shadow flipped on the light. It was obviously a room used for storage. An old bunk bed in a corner. A mattress on the bottom as the top was decorated with old toys of sorts. A VCR and crt TV on a cart. The wall lined with tapes and books. Espio noted the cart had the least amount of dust on it. It was also decorated with stickers. It reminded Espio of Charmy.

Shadow checked the mattress on the lower bunk before placing the sleeping bag and blanket on it. “Sorry for the cramped accommodations. But I can assure you it's quieter than the agency.” Shadow turned to look at the still bewildered chameleon. “Seeing you confused is a rarity for me. Is there anything you want or need? Extra blankets? A night light?”

“I'm good on that.” Espio wondered if Shadow being so old now thought he was a child. “Some water would be nice though.”

Shadow nodded as he gestured for the chameleon to follow him. The kitchen was simple. The sink empty, the drying rack only holding a few mugs, the counters clean, but cluttered with random appliances. Shadow pulled a mug adorned with pink roses from a very full cabinet and filled it with water from a water filter next to the sink. He held the mug up for Espio to take. Once the ninja took the cup, he turned to pull down another cup. This cup had turtles painted on it. 

“Silver!” Shadow’s voice was firm but not loud. Espio tilted his head. Silver would not be able to hear him if he spoke at a normal volume. 

“Yes?” Silver called as he came into the kitchen. He was dressed in button up pajamas with turtles on them. Espio was noticing a pattern. Apparently the grey hedgehog was fond of turtles. Odd, he had never mentioned it before. He also had some toothpaste stuck to his muzzle. Shadow waved the teen into the kitchen. Silver was still sleepy and not quite all there as he stumbled over to the ebony hedgehog. Shadow took a paper towel, damped it, and wiped the toothpaste off of Silver’s cheek with a sigh. 

“Always messy.” He muttered as Silver pouted at him.

“I can still throw cars at people’s heads.” Silver spoke proudly. 

Shadow smiled as he handed Silver the turtle mug. “Drink.” he ordered. He threw the used napkin in the trash as Silver chugged his water. 

“Done!” Silver said proudly as he put the mug in the sink. 

“Bed.” Shadow ordered simply. Silver nodded before turning to leave. 

Espio watched this whole exchange as he sipped his water. 

“Do you want me to wash the cups?” Espio offered.

Shadow shook his head. “No. Now off to bed with you too.” 

Espio nodded. It seemed Shadow didn’t leave room for argument. 

Espio woke up to the scent of breakfast. It made his stomach growl. He briefly wondered if Vanilla and Cream had come over for breakfast. Vector rarely cooked and he hoped Charmy wasn’t attempting too. He shifted as he opened his eyes. 

“Oh yeah, I’m in the future at Shadow’s house.” Epsio muttered as he stretched.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

time travel team sonic

 Jan 12 2023 time travel team sonic

"Ugh…" Sonic groaned, "What truck hit me." The room he was in felt familiar but off. Tails and Knuckles were just beginning to wake up in beds next to him. "Are your heads pounding too?" He asked. 

"Talk quieter or I'll pound you harder." Knuckles held his head in his hands.

Tails simply responded with a thumbs up. 

The door opened and a black hedgehog came in with 3 Iv bags in his arms. He paused as he started at the three more awake mobians.

"Shadow!" Sonic waved. "Sup? Where are we?"

The hedgehog sighed. "I'm not him." He flicked on the light. His quills were messy and he didn't have the same stripes as Shadow. The stripes weren't even the same red hue. His eyes a more orangish hue. "You guys messed with a time some and traveled through time." He went about changing the ivs keeping his voice soft and low. "I'm Gerald."

"You look a lot like Shadow," Sonic stated.

Gerald smiled, "He is my dad. That's how we knew you three got into 'more of faker's shenanigans." Gerald mimicked Shadow's voice.

Sonic laughed, "You're very good at that."

"Rouge owes me 25 rings." Knuckles stated amused. 

Gerald nodded as he checked Tails's health. "You're lucky you don't have a concussion."

Tails gave a soft nod. "How do we get back to our time?"

"Silver is in this time." Gerald explained. "We gave him a call. He'll be over in a few hours. Mom went to the store. Charles and I are taking care of you guys till mom gets back to cook a meal."

"Who's Charles and where's Shadow?" Sonic asked.

"Charles is my younger brother. Dad got called away for some work." Gerald answered after checking Sonic and Knuckles for concussions. "Do you guys want to come down for snacks?"

The house was homely. Knuckles arched a brow at the play place in the corner of the living room. 

"Aren't you too big for that?" Knuckles pointed at the play place. 

"Oh, we have a baby brother." A black hedgehog with his quills styled to go forward stated as he came out of the kitchen. "Good morning, I'm Charles!" His green eyes sparkled as he bounced on his heels. "The cookies are almost done."

Sonic couldn't help but laugh, "And Shadow tries to pretend he doesn't like kids." 

"I'm getting 25 rings for each kids he has from Rouge." Knuckles did the math. "So that's 75 rings I'm getting… eventually."

Gerald and Charles laughed as they led the trio to the kitchen. 

"So what do you guys like to do?" Tails made small talk as he ate a cookie.

"Charles draws comics and his bugging dad and mom about wanting pet chickens." Gerald mused.

"Gerald makes books. Like pop up ones. He's also a night owl, hence the pj look." Charles handed him a cup of hot tea.

"I prefer to be called low energy." Gerald took a sip. The group engaged in small talk until the front door opened. 

"I'm home," Amy came in holding a car seat with a baby in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other.

Gerald quickly snagged the car seat from her, talking to the baby inside.

"Are you guys okay?" Amy sighed as she watched Gerald walk into the living room.

"Sup Amy!" Sonic waved, "What brings you by?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "I live here." She turned to the living room, "There are still groceries in the car."

"Yes mom." Gerald pouted as he carried the baby outside.

Amy shook her head. "When do you think your brother will stop carrying him every chance he can?" She asked Charles, who was already putting items away. 

"When Markie starts complaining about not wanting to be carried anymore." Charles stated. He thought for a moment. "I am guessing around 10 to 15."

Kids age chart: Gerald (17)/ 3yr older than Alexander 14yrs/ 1yr older than Charles 13yr/ 9 yes older than Catherine 4yr/ 3 yrs older than Markus 1yr.

Amy sighed. She turned to the trio with a smile. "So aside from my oldest spoiling his siblings. Silver should be on his way to get you guys back to your time in a few. So what happened?"

"We found the time stone while exploring some cool ruins." Sonic explained. "Congratulations on the kids. They've been really nice."

Amy smiled. "Thank you. It's been a struggle to keep Shadow from spoiling them rotten. And Gerald is doing the same."

"Big bros jobs are to torment and spoil." Gerald defended as he brought in the rest of the groceries. The bundled baby giggling happily. 

"And where is the torment part of that?" Knuckles smirked at the teen.

"Look at him!" Gerald moved the baby to have them. The baby was a pair red with green eyes. They were wearing a bear onsies with a hood. "Who would torment such a cute kid?"

The three laughed. 

"Only someone heartless would torment a baby." Tails waved at the baby. 

Gerald introduce the baby, Markus, to the trio as Amy began making lunch. The boys moved to the living room. Charles set up alphabet blocks into small words like cat and bat. 

"Teaching the baby words already?" Sonic tilted his head. 

"His crawling and walking will be delayed due to Gerald holding him every chance he can get." Charles teased.

"He's cuddly." Gerald bounced Markus in his lap.

The door opened and Silver and a pink hedgehog child walked in. 

"That's another one?" Tails' eyes widened as the kids paused and stared at the trio.

The pink kid with green eyes was the spitting image of Amy. They were holding some rag in their hands very carefully. They crabbed walked to the side, staring like a deer in headlights.

Silver laughed. He was a lot older then the trio had ever seen him. "She's also their only daughter." Silver closed the door and turned to the girl. "Catherine, this is Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. I have to take them back to their time."

Catherine nodded. She held up her foot to Silver, looking him in the eyes with intent.

Silver chuckled as he bent down. "Yes. Yes your majesty. I shall put your shoes away."

The girl nodded as Silver carefully took off her shoes.

"So, she inherited all of Shadow's quiet." Knuckles mused.

"Pretty much," Charles agreed. "Did you have a good time hanging out with Silver today?"

"Affirmative!" She nodded as she walked up to Charles. "I got you a gift." She gestured to the item in her hands. 

"Oh really?" Charles leaned down to her eye level. "Thank you. Can I see it?"

She nodded, "Be gentle."

"I promise I will." Charles smiled as he carefully removed the top rag of the items she was holding. A baby chick chirped. Charles let it a near silent squeal. "I love them. Thank you!"

Catherine beamed with pride. "I found it during the mission!"

"What did you do on your mission?" Tails asked.

"We cleaned up a farm and gathered lost animals." Catherine replied happily. "Silver's boyfriend showed me a cool trick. And Mr Farmer gave me a chick as payment for helping."

"I brought you along because you wanted to see the goats." Silver sighed.

"You have a boyfriend? Does he time travel too?" Sonic mused.

"Tell the drama llama nothing," Silver jokingly ordered.

"Why do I hear a chicken in my house?" Amy called from the kitchen. 

"I got Charles a baby chicken.' Catherine announced proudly as she raced to the kitchen.

"Sweetie…" Amy began.

"You can't send it back. It's rude to return gifts." Catherine countered.

"Where is the chick going to sleep?" Amy tried to reason. 

"In brother's room until we make it a chicken house." Catherine stated. "I'll help."

"Sweetie, you're four." Amy stated.

"Yes. And?"

Amy sighed. "Who did I anger in a past life to have 5 stubborn children?" 

"While your mom is busy soul searching. Where's the time stone they brought with them?" Silver asked the teens. 

Charles grabbed a container off the bookshelf. "Have a safe trip." He turned to Sonic with a big smile. "Try not to meddle in Silver's love life too much."

"I would prefer no meddling." Silver rolled his eyes. He took the time stone out of the container. "Let's get you back to your time." Silver led them to the backyard and made them hold hands so they wouldn't get lost during the chaos control. They reappeared in front of Uncle Chuck's place. "You know how to get home from here?" The three nodded. "Good. See you later." With that, Silver teleported back.